Sapphire Blade events for Lontra Boglach

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

Baelor/Raiju's service on the Fist staff over the past nine months has been nothing short of extraordinary. Baelor is hard working, reliable, and thinks outside the box when helping to build competition content for members. He has been instrumental in keeping up with multiple competitions, updates to the wiki, updates to the Fist-owned Shadow Academy courses, and maintaining my high standard for activity monitoring and approval.

Since joining the staff, Baelor has personally organized and managed 11 competitions as part of the Fist monthly gaming events. Baelor was a jack of all trades, running everything from normal gaming events, PvP ladders, flash and mobile games. Through his hard work, Baelor ensured that each month the club's gamers were challenged in new and exciting ways. On top of this, he assisted me with the management of the Elder Scrolls Online and Apex: Legends test events. Even though neither of these games were chosen for full support, he still put forth considerable time and effort to review submissions, track average playtime, and provided recommendations to myself and the P:Fist for cluster values in the event the games made it through the testing phase.

Baelor helped to manage the myriad of Fist-owned Shadow Academy courses by taking on the Docent responsibilities for the Lightsaber studies and Starfighter Studies courses. Baelor did an exceptional job of revamping both courses to ensure that the outdated and non-canon Legends material was replaced with the relevant canon material.

Since joining the staff, Baelor has approved hundreds of gaming activities. He has reviewed and processed over 220 PvE/PvO activities and 26 PvP activities, all well within the 24 hour timeframe I require for approval. Baelor is also an active gamer and is one of the true ambassadors of gaming for our members. He is active, driven, and motivated in everything he does to make gaming better for our club and its members.

It is my privilege to award him with his very first sacramental award.

Congratulations, Baelor. Thank you for everything you have done during your time on staff.


Master Dracaryis, 2019-04-23 22:57:01 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Raiju Kang, though a recent arrival to the Ascendant Clan (or recent returnee?) has demonstrated that he is the sort of consistent, reliable producer of activity in the seven months since his last recognition. With competitions both entered and hosted, he has driven activity personally and for other members, and he has been a positive and engaged contributor to our little corner of the Brotherhood community since landing feet first in Plaguies.

Individual activity wise, Raiju has entered 92 competitions since his last recognition, placing in 31 of them. Those placements netted him 3 Diamond, 7 Ruby, 9 Amethyst, 7 Sapphire, 4 Emerald, and 1 Topaz crescent (stopping short of the elusive Quartz!). His nine gaming activities earned him a total of 23 Clusters of Earth as well as 20 Clusters of five. His 1,936 words of fiction contained within 2 fiction activities also brought him 5 Clusters of Ice. He was, apparently, tearing it up in the realm of Brotherhood graphics, however, with 49 Clusters of Graphite for his work in that arena. A nearly fifteen year veteran, Raiju also proved that it is never too late to go back to school while passing 26 Shadow Academy Courses and earning 5 different Dark Side Degrees (2 Pundits, and then one each of Maven, Savant, and Sage). Additionally, he also hosted a warm up event for his former home of Clan Odan-Urr in the lead up to the recently Completed Great Jedi War, with nine sub-vents that helped his clanmates better prepare for the struggles of a Brotherhood Vendetta by offering things such as events like Battleplan rarely seen outside of the Vendetta setting. His ten total hosted competitions show that he is one to offer opportunities for his fellow members, not just one content to sit back and consume so to speak.

It is my great honor to recognize Raiju for his work in the Brotherhood as the current Consul tasked with the job. I know Odan-Urr must have felt lucky to have his contributions through the first half of 2022 as well, as I am sure they will expand upon. Thank you, Raiju, for your continued devotion to all the parts of our Dark Jedi Brotherhood!

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2022-07-28 01:46:56 UTC
Additional reasons

Raiju is a powerhouse with his activity, as detailed above, and has consistently demonstrated a strong community mindset. Nothing had shown this more than when he came to me early on about organizing a series of competitions that would get the Clan geared up for GJW XV. COU Prepares For War ran for two weeks. Each week was a phase and included event-long competitions as well. Using trivia on the current war fictions, a puzzle, flash game, fiction, battleplan, and graphics, he presented the members with what they’d likely see once wartime began. The Clan hit the ground running due to his diligence, and with his help, we hit a record number of participants.

Additionally, Raiju took part in our weekend community events, but not just as a participant. He hosted a total of 4 gaming events in the months of April and May, mostly SWTOR heroics and flashpoints, and had also introduced us to a new one, One Night Werewolf, which had a pretty impressive turnout.

Thank you, Raiju, for your efforts while under our roof. Congratulations on your Sapphire Blade!

Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2022-07-28 01:25:05 UTC

In addition to what has been covered by others I would like to highlight Raiju's contributions that the site does not necessarily track. I had the pleasure of serving as Raiju's proconsul during most of the period since his last recognition and I cannot echo Selika's comment about what an asset Raiju is to a unit enough. It's not every day a unit gets a wise and experienced leader like Raiju who is passionate about the member base and helping develop young leaders.

Proposals, by their very nature, do not always see the light of day but that does not diminish the thought and effort that go into them. Raiju stepped up to try to help mentor a relatively young house summit with content ideas, worldbuilding and more concrete initiatives like his war prep competition series. He will continue to be an asset to the membership of the Brotherhood as well as any staff or unit he is a part of.

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2022-07-28 01:45:38 UTC