- Event ID
- 208962
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- Primary reason
It is once again my pleasure to recognize Gui Sol for his activities since his last recognition. He has racked up 58 competitions, 4 PvP matches, 30 PvE matches, 1 ACC battle finished, 3 fiction activities worth 3121 words, 9 Shadow Academy courses passed, 5 Shadow Degrees obtained and 1 news post. While doing those he acquired 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 3 Crescents with Ruby Star, 7 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 2 Pendants of Blood, 128 Clusters of Fire, 12 Clusters of Ice, 49 Clusters of Earth, 18 Clusters of Fire, 3 Scrolls of Indoctrination, and 3 Legions of Scholar. More recently, he led from the front in our clan vs clan feud, participating in 7 out of 8 feud bins and securing 16th place in the feud. Additionally, both as a regular member and as a leader, he actively reached out to members to ensure they got the most out of the feud.
Outside of regular activity, he spent 6 months as Rollmaster, and 3 months as Magistrate to the Fist. For rollmaster, he continued to do his everyday tasks like Master-student program, helping his fellow Odanites, giving them competitions to participate in, to name a few but I wanted to put a spotlight on his big recruitment project and a few other highlights. First, he created a RM group chat, where he and other Rollmasters help each other and strategize ways to improve the DB experience. This has gotten favorable reviews from his fellow Rollmasters. Second, he has helped support our community events with particularly our newer gamers by hosting 3 TOR events worth a total of ~9 hours worth of time. While this may not seem like a whole lot to some, he was critical to getting one of our newest members to not only play TOR, have fun doing it, but also he hyper motivated a member to do even more things than they normally would have.
His main project has been recruitment. Since his last recognition he has completed 1 major recruitment drive and is in the middle of another. With all of his recruitment drives combined, so far he has spent a total of 39 hours talking with 209 people. This has led to 10 people joining the site, light and dark side alike, and 3 of them reaching Journeyman 1. Those who haven’t reached the site yet know more about the DB than they did before Gui reached out to them and might one day still join us. A particular example comes to mind, where he expertly showed off the club’s characters sheets using his many droids, much to the pleasure of a fellow Star Wars fan. And then of course there are those that haven’t yet reached a high enough rank to award a scroll of indoctrination but are here solely because of his efforts. Not everyone is meant for the DB but he continually goes out and finds those who might join our little corner of the Star Wars universe. This has had the effect of keeping Odan-Urr’s roster high and brought in some wonderful additions to our community. :)
For all your above efforts, I am pleased to recommend that Gui Sol be awarded a Sapphire Blade. Thank you for the time and effort you’ve put into Odan-Urr. It is not only greatly appreciated but has improved the overall health of the club as well. Congratulations!
Aura Ta’var
Consul, Odan-Urr
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2021-05-03 16:14:22 UTC
- Additional reasons
In his last three months as a Magistrate to the Fist Office, Gui approved 47 PvE activities and two PvP activities. He also hosted three competitions for the monthly GMRG series. Thank you for your work Gui!
Raiheaux, 2021-05-03 11:03:34 UTC
- Event ID
- 232546
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
- Primary reason
From our first conversation during his application, I knew exactly the kind of Proconsul I would be getting in Juda. Hard-working, energetic, and a beast in activity. Three and half months later he has proven to be all of that and more.
Since his last recognition in April Juda has competed in 77 competitions and totaled more than 2000 words in RP events. He has played in 27 gaming activities that have totaled 334 Clusters of Fire and 10 Clusters of Earth. He has earned 1 Bronze nova 9 Crescents, 22 Clusters of Ice, 33 Clusters of Graphite, and 14 Seals of ascension.
Perhaps most impressive is Juda’s ability to draw in members from outside the club. He has recruited 2 separate members that have earned him Scrolls of Indoctrination. He is always seeking out opportunities to recruit even drawing in a member from Star Wars Galaxies probably the first from there in a long, long time.
Juda truly leads by example. He cares about the members of the club and works tirelessly to make not just Vizsla a better place but the entire Club. Congrats Juda and here is to many more!
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn, 2022-11-05 20:16:14 UTC
- Additional reasons
Juda is without a doubt one of the finest leaders I've seen come up through the ranks in a long time. His energy is unmatched and his desire to elevate those around him works to strengthen lasting bonds among members and gives any unit he leads a sturdy base to take off from.
What he poured into the Guardian Corps during his three months as QUA and all the time into the wiki can still be felt in how the House carries itself today. Between his ideas for a fictional direction and his real-world efforts, having him to rely on took an immense burden off of my shoulders. A trend, that as Korvis stated, he has clearly continued as Proconsul.
Juda, Marl, Gui or whatever you call yourself these days, thank you for all you've done. I look forward to continuing to watch you succeed and one day, take the helm as Consul.
Congratulations on your Sapphire Blade!
Revak K'Urr
Consul, Odan-Urr
Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2022-11-05 20:13:46 UTC
- Event ID
- 255248
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
Non-site XP
- Requested by
- Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- Primary reason
Over the past 3 Months, Gui has been a major contributor to the Clan’s mission to bring everyone together and provide them with a family as they progress through their DB career. His continuous flow of ideas has kept things interesting and I look forward to seeing where he takes the Clan in the future. He is one of our biggest assets and more deserving of an award than anyone I know.
Since his last recognition, Gui has participated in 42 competitions earning himself 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, 3 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 2 Crescents with Topaz Star, and 1 Crescent with Quartz Star. Additionally, he has run a successful RP mission where he contributed a total of 6235 words of fiction. He has posted 3 news posts and commented on 2, and accumulated 18 Clusters of Ice, 35 Clusters of Earth, 6 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Dark Side Scroll, and 2 Scroll of Indoctrination.
On top of all this, I would like to thank you for your contributions during the last war where you participated in 9 competitions.
As our most active contributor to the community, good friend, and even better leader I thank you for your efforts and congratulate you on this Sapphire Blade!
Revak K’Urr
Consul, Odan-Urr
Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2023-10-22 20:00:27 UTC
- Additional reasons
Gui served as the Proconsul of Clan Vizsla for just over a year. During that time he went from someone that conversed with on occasion to a good friend. He maintained a great report with Vizsla members and sent out regular emails to individuals to encourage activity but also just to see how folks were getting along. When approached about him returning to COU I had no doubts that he would be able to help out tremendously there. I miss having him as my right hand man in Vizsla but willingness to do what is needed for the brotherhood is one of his best aspects. He jumped at the chance to help make the entire club better. It is truly nice to see a member that is willing to do whatever he can to even crossing clan divides to come over to Vizsla for a bit. Congrats Gui
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn, 2023-10-22 18:58:58 UTC
- Event ID
- 264771
- Award
- Sapphire Blade
- Quantity
- 1
Non-site XP
- Requested by
- Lord Dacien Victae
- Primary reason
Since his last medal, Gui has organized 20 competitions and participated in 35, earning a handful of crescents, 163 CFs, 14 CIs, and 12 CGs. For the last four months, he has served as COU Consul. In that time, he helped to organize the The Power Within event, a four-week set of competitions for COU, and also led two RPs as DM. So far this year, COU has gained a couple of new members and achieved the impressive feat of having 100% of its current members participate in at least one competition for the first quarter of the year.
Gui had a tough act to follow when Revak resigned, but he hit the ground running and has done a great job getting the clan engaged. Congrats, Gui!
Lord Dacien Victae, 2024-04-18 20:30:47 UTC
- Additional reasons
These last four months have been a rollercoaster, Gui. I came into this role with minimal knowledge of how systems were run and did my best to keep up and you were quick to take a place as mentor and teach me what you understood of the systems, how things operated, and how we were expected to run the Clan. For what it’s worth, I know you’ve saved Arch from a lot of stress and plucked feathers when I was finally able to quit asking as many questions. Over these last few months, we've gotten to see the unshakeable spirit of COU as we pulled everything together, you’ve crafted and implemented a new core storyline for the Clan from the void we were left in, leaving the Archivist and me with room to work on extant ideas and future storylines in conjunction, as we persevered through the changing of the guard and laid solid foundations to build the Clan's future. Throughout this time you've had your own ups and downs, from life throwing you a few hardships to the joy of Bouncing Baby #3, and still, you've been dedicated to the Clan throughout.
We made quick friends after both throwing our hats in for the CON position, and I'm glad you chose me to be your PCON because it gave me the chance to be a part of building my original clan back up. Your quick wit and well-timed jokes always got a laugh out of me, and when I had my own problems you were one of the first people to check up on me. You've led COU not just from a mechanical standpoint, but you do your best to care for your Clan as people, which has definitely left an impression.
You’ve spearheaded several of our Clan Projects as well as revamped storyline, reorganized our efforts, you’ve assisted greatly in others, taken a grand role alongside Waza in turning our Proving Grounds project into a working success, and assisted throughout the COU Wiki Project we’re still gathering data for (damned unlinked, stub, and repeat articles), and you’ve been instrumental in laying the basis for our members to become more involved throughout the community, Mr. Haiku. Your torrent of Poetry has not gone unnoticed. Along all of this, you’re one of our more active socialites, contrasted to my reserved takeaway to general conversation. If there isn’t a conversation, you make one, because, in your eyes, quiet is a bad thing.
Ever onwards, my friend.
High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2024-04-18 16:02:56 UTC