Character Snapshot (Daro Vane)

Character Snapshot for Reaver Juda Graves (2023/06/21, Savant Sinya Ani vs. Reaver Juda Graves)

Reaver Juda Graves

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Vizsla
Male Zabrak, Mercenary, Director, Criminal Syndicate
Height: 1.9 m / 6'3" - Weight: 105.0 kg / 231 lbs
Age: 37 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Muscular and toned, Juda is a heavily tattooed Zabrak with a crown of black cranial horns. His pale skin is tattooed a ghostly white with black and blood red line work in a design unique to his clan. Devoid of body hair, he has none to be found. His eyes are red in color and his teeth are pointed. Each ear is adorned with thick hoop earrings and his facial features are strong and rigid; complimenting his build perfectly. His arms, body, and legs are scarred and the right corner of his bottom lip has a scar from being busted open more than once. The palm of his right hand has the words 'Pay Up' tattooed in zabraki and on the back of his left hand is a tattooed tag ‘13’ in aurebesh.

Loadout: ACC (Snapshot)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel (General Aspect)

Juda Graves is a master of the 'tricks of the trade' - the cheating and stealing trade, that is. With a certain propensity and natural talent for stealth and thievery, Juda Graves is a professional when it comes to crimes, from minor to major. Sometimes it is as simple as a few more favorable cards in a hand to a set of sticky fingers to something as big as a heist. Either way, Juda Graves knows his way around a job. However, everyone is bound to get caught eventually, and reputations have a way of finding a way to bite you in the rear. . . not to mention those looking to extract a little vengeance.

Let Luck Decide (General Aspect)

At times, Juda has been known to be quite indecisive with his decision making. So much so that he has adopted the use of a chance cube for those hard to make calls he can't be bothered with weighing. While the luck of the dice are at times in his favor, sometimes the outcome is not the one that he would have preferred or expected. Nevertheless, he is such a stickler for fate that he will honor the roll, even if it goes against his intuition.

Fine Suits And Fat Cigars (Personality Aspect)

Always donning a fine suit with a fat cigar clutched between his teeth. Juda Graves desires to look his best and is dangerously protective of his assets. Spill something on his attire, take something of his without permission, step on his polished shoes. Be prepared for a fight as these slights against him are enough to send him into a rampage. Hot Headed and quick to anger, when he sees red there is very little that can calm him. However, this can create tension in situations where finesse or diplomacy are required and can be off-putting to potential business partnerships.

Kiss Your Mother With That Mouth? (Personality Aspect)

A karking delinquent, Juda not only has a foul mouth, but he typically has a foul demeanor to match. A demeanor that he can hide behind layers of deception or utilize for leverage in negotiation. This criminal is not the 'bring home to mom' type and is shrewd and conniving in every facet of life. This can be too much for your average Galactic citizen to handle as his abrasive temperament can be downright frightening.

Play For Blood (Combat Aspect)

Through a mixture of cocksure courage and arrogant swagger, Juda Graves will not back down from a challenge when called out, even if the wiser path is to walk away or let it go. Juda Graves's personality does tend to rub a lot of people the wrong way, which generally puts him into situations that escalate quickly to violence. While he may not be the one to always start a fight, he will always see it through to it’s conclusion. Some have tried to play a challenge off as idle banter, but when Juda Graves initiates or accepts a challenge, he does not hold back.

Shocked By His Boxing (Combat Aspect)

A former cage fighting champion who moved up the ladder of the criminal underworld. Juda Graves prefers the feel of soft flesh against his knuckles and shies away from most forms of ranged combat. Brutal and direct, Juda has taken K'thri, the traditional form of his people, and has married it to shock-boxing. While this is devastating at close range, against ranged opponents he is forced to close the gap or suffer the consequences of a more hands on approach to combat.

Skill Feats
Sociopath Petranaki You May Have Heard Of Me Just The Two Of Us II Fear Will Keep Them In Line Drunken Master Constant Vigilance You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die Shockboxing
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Mercenary Zabrak: Didn't Hurt! Zabrak: I Always Know Better Checkmate II Silver Tongue II
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Huttese
  • Sy Bisti
  • Zabraki
  • Black Market Trading and Knowledge
  • Economics
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • Underworld Contacts
Primary Martial Art K'thri
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Bladed
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None