Character Snapshot (Captain J.C Riggs)

Character Snapshot for Warden Gui Sol (2023/10/03, Warden Gui Sol vs. Privateer Titius Osseus)

Warden Gui Sol

Equite 4, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Kiffar, Jedi, Techweaver, Sentinel
Height: 1.78 m / 5'10" - Weight: 70.0 kg / 154 lbs
Age: 27 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Filled with a youthful exuberance, Gui Sol, known to many as ‘The Kid’ has grown from a knobby kneed adolescent Padawan into a handsome young man. Having angular features, his unblemished face is framed by long black dreadlocks that fall just below his shoulder blades. Emerald green eyes sparkle against a matrix of bronze colored skin and his body is now toned with musculature derived from a life of combat-training. Thick black brows are inquisitive and often great indicators of his mood and his full lips are typically sporting his trade-mark smile.

Tattoos: Like most Kiffar, Gui’s face has been inked with the patterning of his familial clan Sol. A Human/Kiffar hybrid, Gui has taken the markings of his father, possessing the same red and gold bar as his ancestors. Like his family, they seamlessly blend together and cross his face horizontally, just below his eyes.

Loadout: Guru Of Gadgetry (Snapshot)
Mean Streets Of Glorious (General Aspect)

At a young age, Gui, tasked with protecting younglings in less than ideal circumstances, put to use the lessons of his Master and was forced to lie, cheat, and steal for survival's sake. While a facade, it began to harden his perceptions of the Galaxy and gradually chipped away the naivety that once dominated his persona. No longer a snot nosed kid, Gui was forever changed and slightly scarred by his experiences. This damaged his ability to trust and has made it a struggle for him to fully reembrace his once pacifistic nature and moral compass.

Tech-Junkie (General Aspect)

A technician, mechanic, and slicer. Gui Sol is enthralled by technology. In fact, he has become somewhat reliant on it; idle hands seem to make him fidgety and uncomfortable, perhaps even a bit anxious. Unlike his Jedi brethren, he loves stuff. Not because he needs or wants, but because an object to him is so much more. They are windows into the past, containing memories and valuable lessons that should be cherished. However, not all memories are good ones and technology, like the psyche, can break.

Memory Collector (Personality Aspect)

Known as the collector, Gui hoards artifacts, trinkets, and seemingly worthless baubles, on the surface. Each object possesses a memory, a lesson, and are windows into the past for the Kiffar. He has learned from simply wielding his Master's lightsaber, continued his lessons from the broken pieces of Tython's temple, and seen the faces of those who have become one with the Force. However, if he isn't careful, he can relive the torment, the pain, and the destruction. To wield his own lightsaber is to look into the faces of those he has injured, or slain. Cursed to look into their eyes. This is why his organic hand is always covered.

Relax, I've Got This (Personality Aspect)

Gui, for the most part, has a laid back demeanor. So laid back in fact, that when faced with a challenge or overwhelming odds, his confidence can be nauseating. Throwing caution to the wind, with a nonchalant approach to even the most jarring of situations, he can find it difficult to take things seriously. While he can be serious when it is required, he doesn't like to be. In fact, he has been known to even crack jokes or interject with his energetic and light-hearted persona during Council meetings. He marches to the beat of his own drum even if it ruffles the feathers of his peers or goes against the will of the Order.

Droid-Brain (Combat Aspect)

Spending a great deal of time with his droid friends, programming and building; Gui cant help but to think like them from time to time. He has been known to process his surroundings, to calculate and weigh his options, then to carry out his function. This allows him to think on the fly. However, with a very analytical mind, comes over analytical tendencies. Meaning, at times he will create scenarios or issues that, while they may seem to be plausible on the surface, don't actually exist or are perceived in the wrong light.

Go Go Gadget (Combat Aspect)

Gui Sol's passion for technology extends beyond his talent with Slicing. He truly believes that wars can be won with technology, not soldiers, and will always try to avoid direct combat if he can afford it. Instead, he prefers to deploy clever traps with Explosives, or turn technology against others as a weapon. Gui Sol would rather overload a circuit breaker to shock a guard into submission than to test his luck with his hands or a blaster. If removed from technology or his gadgets, however, Gui Sol can easily be overwhelmed. Fortunately, he has no qualms with throwing a smoke grenade down and running for dear life.

Skill Feats
Jar'Kai Just Ones and Zeroes Sleeping Rancor Jury-rig III Disarming Smile
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Kiffar: Psychometry Mechu-deru II Order Feat: Jedi Kiffar: Facial Recognition Hexing II
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Huttese
  • Kiffar
  • Shyriiwook
  • Droid Manufacturing and Programming
  • Force Attuned Artifacts
  • History/Knowledge Of The Jedi Order
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
  • Underworld Contacts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form V (Djem So)
Secondary Lightsaber Form Form V (Shien)