The Clan Summit of Arcona wishes that Desdemonea be awarded the Anteian Cross for both her preformance in the recent Arcona/CSP Feud as well as her participation in the RoS ACC event. Additionally Desdemonea has put great effort into helping develop a Clan Training Program for new<br>
members and is in the process of running a competition towards this end. She has indeed shown dedicated service to her House and Clan. Dessie worked her ass off in the Arcona CSP Feud submitting to the Short Fiction event, as well as the Graphics event. Additionally she played in 3 ACC matches for the RoS going 1 win and 2 losses. <br>
The Clan Training Program that she has helped design and to which now they are beginning to implement is centred upon teaching people how to compose a narrative, and this skill can be used both in writing ACC posts as well as stories, poems or other fiction events. Hopefully this will improve all aspects of fiction events for Oriens with the members given encouragement and positive feedback, as well as directions on how to compose a story which has an overall flow and balance. <br>
This is the area which Dessie can showcase her own literary talents as well as give constructive criticism and feedback about structure and grammar. This is indeed a difficult undertaking, critiquing others work, and maintaining a positive manner can be very time consuming. She does this all in the hopes that she can help others become better communicators, and for the betterment of her House and Clan. I cannot wait to see the results of her work in the Great Jedi War, where I believe HOO and Arcona will show the benifits of such a training program. ACC Posts should become significantly better and Short/Long Fiction events will have more submissions of a higher quality if the advice is heeded. <br>
She is very deserving of this award.<br>
KE Alex
Alex d'Tana, 2007-04-17 22:00:00 UTC