Steel Cross events for Wes Biriuk Erinos

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Wes Biriuk Erinos for this Steel Cross, his hard work inside of the brotherhood has not gone unnoticed. He is a constant presence inside of Spectre Cell, providing the team and the house with activity of a regular level. He is also on IRC channel being a steady presence and interacting with members of the clan. Though all his activity helps Arcona keep up with the level of activity we produce he has also earned himself done a considerable amount of work during this time.

He has earned himself a total of seven Crescents ranging in scale, as well as his constant gaming that has seen him earn himself one hundred and fourteen clusters of fire during this time. As well as a Cluster of Ice, though through his participation in vendettas as well as others have seen him get two Seals of Unity, one Seal of Defiance and eight Seals of Decimation. Though through everything as well as his participation in the recent feud he has seen himself received a Dark Cross and an Anteian Cross.

Though he cotnuines to impress taking part in the Shadow Academy and passing the following exams: GMRG History, Astronomy Studies and Lightsaber Studies. He is also a avid gamer getting himself a level fifty character in the Old Republic, and placing twice in the ICTE. He has also placed first in the What are those initials? Competition as well as 3rd place in the [TOL - Week 1] Team Name/Logo competition and finally 1st place in the Where\'s Waldo?.

Though time and time again he has proven his activity and participation by competing in fourteen competitions. For all of this the time he has put into the club, the work and dedication he has shown to Clan Arcona and House Galeres I am proud to be giving this member his first of hopefully many Steel Crosses. Congratulations Wes and keep up the hard work.

Cethgus Tiberus Entar Aedile of House Galeres

Wes Erinos has spent the last six months playing The Old Republic, getting his character all the way to level 50 as a member of the DJB Guild. Furthermore he was a heavy participant in the Clan Arcona event, Trials of Loyalty and thus played a hand in making it such a successful competition. Wes Erinos also participated in the Beyond Horizons House Feud and added to the overwhelming Arconan victory and Wes is currently participating in the Dark Crusade run-on. For all of these reasons, Wes Erinos has earned a Steel Cross. Congratulations!

Etah Battleteam Leader of Spectre Cell

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-01-12 13:07:10 UTC