Steel Cross events for Vosiri Lightscrest

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Primary reason

I wish to award Kaayn Salis with a Steel Cross. In the past month, he has been quite active in IRC and email, he has been assisting the Light Side guild with recruitment in TOR (adding Zeon Blacktooth to the Republic Guild at my request), and he has come to Revak's attention for showing impressive activity in the last three months. I must agree that I am impressed too. Since his last promotion 10 months ago, he has earned 63 Clusters of Fire, and Crescents with 5 Sapphire, 3 Topaz, 2 Quartz and 1 Emerald Stars, and a Scroll of Indoctrination for the @midnight event. He has participated in 23 competitions, most of them in the past two months (15 since August), and I definitely feel he is due a Steel Cross in recognition for his efforts. Congratulations Special K, and keep up the great effort!

Mandalorian Darcy Avarik, 2014-10-06 10:59:28 UTC
Additional reasons

Kaayn Salis can always be counted on to accumulate multiple awards every month and help his fellow members on both the House mailer and IRC channels. This past month however, he has exploded with activity. He’s received 1st and 4th place in two competitions for the House Odan-Urr event Affliction, achieving a 3rd place overall. He has taken multiple Shadow Academy exams, those of which include Sentinel Core, Guardian Core, Consular Core and Combat Tactics I for a combined average of 94.75%. He has received a Scroll of Indoctrination for participating in the DB’s @midnight event, as well as also earning 4 Crescents with Sapphire Star, a Crescent with Topaz Star, a crescent with Quartz Star and 61 Clusters of Fire.

In recognition for his service to House Odan-Urr and Strike-Team Ooroo, I hereby award SC Kaayn Salis with a Steel Cross. Keep it up, man!

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2014-10-06 10:58:39 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

Since Kaayn joined us a little over two months ago he has participated in over 20 competitions, including four events in round three of Fading Lights and six events in the Clan event which just finished. Out of all these competitions he placed in the top three in no less than six of them.

He writes monthly reports to keep the Clan appraised of what is going on, informing people which competitions are available to them and each month he also highlights a journeyman who has stood out in the previous month.

He also keeps in contact with our journeymen to make sure they’re moving in the right direction.

Naga Sadow has benefitted and will continue to benefit from your great work, thank you Kaayn.

Master Malik Sadow, 2014-12-30 18:08:54 UTC