Grand Cross events for Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Medal Request: Grand Cross<br> Thran Occasus (5101)<br> <br> It is my honor to recommend Sith Warrior Thran Occasus for the high honor of a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. It is an award reserved for those whom have shown exceptional ability in areas meant to encourage competition, interaction and mentorship within one's Clan - a task that Thran has fulfilled in earnest.<br> <br> Thran's personal activity acts as a role model for the other members in the Clan. Over the past six months he has accumulated 2 Legions of the Scholar, Clusters of Fire, Crescents (Emerald and Sapphire), 3 Seals of Duplicity, a Dark Cross and a Gold Nova. He also, int the given time, completed several Shadow Academy Courses: Training Saber Basics, Alchemy Basics, Dark Jedi Meditation and AOL Instant Messenger. His alternate activity has also included 5 ACC matches (one which was against myself) tallying a total of 3 wins and 2 losses. Combine this with his flawless IRC presence and his attendance to 4 Clan Conclaves (Meetings that are held weekly to give direction/input on the Clan's future) has been most beneficial. <br> <br> Yet personal achievement alone is not enough for this high honor. Thran has proven himself a capable leader in that time by utilizing his skills as the BTL of Souls of Darkness & Draco Conspicari, Aedile of House Exar Kun (And BTL of Blades of Kun), Rollmaster of House Acclivis Draco and Envoy of House Acclivis Draco.In that time he has stimulated competition by hosting/creating trivia competitions, creating Fiction Competitions (including 8 of which were part of a BT vs. BT competition held in HEK), stimulating discussion in his BT via e-mail, reporting bi-weekly (covering member activity, BT direction and insight). This has also included the intangible task of acting as a Conflict Mediator within CSP... several times Thran has spent hours between two members in conflict, helping them find common ground and overcome their differences for the betterment of the Clan. Additionally, he has played a vital role in the mentorship of new leaders such as DJK Rasilvenaira - using his experience and knowledge to mold a future generation of leaders by imparting his wisdom on personal conduct, providing positive feedback/critique, developing competitions, developing direction and House identity and so much more.<br> <br> However, his accomplishments do not end there. Thran has recently undertook a large project known as the Clan Menagerie. As Scholae Palatinae is a Clan based around their affinity with animals, Thran took it upon himself to create a document that details this affinity; taking it one step further, he created a menagerie to hold the beast of CSP. This document is 15 pages (11 pt font) in length and details a host of animals (including bios, statistics, images and fictional data) that are available for members of CSP to utilize in clan and personal fiction. He established the idea to provide a 'base line' of knowledge for Clan run-ons to further increase continuity, realism and encourage the liberal use of the lesser known aspect of Scholae Palatiane.<br> <br> For these achievements, we honor Thran Occasus with this Grand Cross of the Dark Side.<br> <br> Braecen Kunar<br> Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2006-10-25 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Medal Request: Grand Cross Thran Occasus (5101)

I have the honor of awarding Thran his second Grand Cross - And I will explain how this member, over the course of his tenure has helped Scholae Palatinae grow.

Clan Scholae Palatinae recently attained the honor of Second Clan in the Brotherhood Vendetta "Rites of Supremacy: Second Darkness" compiling 330 Clan points - outstripping four rival Clans to affirm their right as an Elite Clan. For contributions, participation and tenacity to ensure the Clan's wartime efforts... I recognize Thran's effort. Compiling 64 individual points in the Debate, Battle Plan, Fiction & ACC Events and taking the rank of 104th Overall in the Vendetta. Additionally, Thran served as our Debate Team Captain & was the catalyst behind our Clan Battle Plans (leading us to 3rd Overall).

Thran has proven - despite his own beliefs on the subject - to be a capable leader with the right mixture of personality, vision and tenacity to effectively run a House. Since his ascension to Quaestor of House Caliburnus I have been able, as a Consul, to wash my hands of the day-to-day operations and projects of Thran's House. As a Quaestor he reports in a unique fashion, delivering imperative messages and updates to his charges... he works tirelessly with his Aedile - grooming her for her eventual role as Quaestor - and is doing a fantastic job of teaching lessons that have no curriculum... Thran also maintains the vision to ceaselessly develop his House - fundamentally & fictionally - including the Menagerie Project (Clan Animal database - roughly 30+ pages), both HAD & HC Member of the Month Programs (Order of the Serpent/Dragon), the Clan quarterly member program (Dark Paladin), the HQs of Caliburnus (website, graphics, detailed explanations) and his newest development of a continual nemesis of his House (a launching pad for fictional development, competitions and House identity).

I would be remiss to not acknowledge Thran's contribution to Clan Scholae Palatinae. In short, he has been a large catalyst in aiding me as we work towards building a stronger Clan. There is a great deal of intangible things Thran does... and I will do my best to put them in words. Mentor. Thran acts a guide and teacher not only to Rasilvenaira, but every member in his House. He teaches them the value of right action, manners, discretion, patience and loyalty. Leader. Thran can deliver passionate words to stir every member's heart from Apprentice to Master - though most of that dialogue is hidden in leadership meetings that cover the future of a Clan. Friend. Through his steadfast devotion to build a stronger house (and thus a stronger Clan) I know that I can trust Thran to do what is right. It creates a great deal of relief to know that I do not have to micro-manage House Caliburnus, but that I will receive updates and ideas before they go into effect... and Thran allows me to mettle with those ideas before I approve them, allowing for the continuity of the Clan to remain streamlined.

For all that he publicly, and privately, handles as a leader of Scholae Palatinae it is my honor to award this medal as testament to his tenacity and skill.

Braecen Kaeth Kunar Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2007-04-16 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Dark Masters, I Would like to submit a Grand Cross for Thran Occasus. Not only did Thran excel in the Vendetta (9th hero) but he's taken on the role of Mentor as well. Fondly now referred to as Papa Scholae, he's the goto guy for information regarding Scholae history as well as images needed for such. Thran has also taken me on as his little sister, 'learnin' me to do the DB. He's been active in teaching people how to write for the ACC as well as held a class on writing sonnets. Thran is an example for all to follow. His heart is for Scholae, and as a Son of Palpatine he's not afraid of passing along his gathered knowledge. For his high level (and excellent performance) in the vendetta as well as the mentoring and guidance he offers to all members of Scholae, I'd like to recommend Thran Occasus for a Grand Cross. Akatsuki Tamalar Rollmaster of Scholae and unofficial little sister to Thran Thran truly showed his prowess in Horizons by grabbing 9th overall, and a variety of Novae for himself and his teams. He was a driving force through this event, and claimed 94 points (1st overall in the House) through participating in 16 events. He amassed many novae of all varieties, and greatly contributed to Scholae Palatinae's overall participation points/score. Thran, or otherwise known as Papa Scholae, showed his love and devotion for Scholae through his efforts in Horizons, and continue to be a prominent figure in the Brotherhood as a whole. As a Son of Palpatine, Thran takes that role seriously. He is a go-to guy for any and all advice and information, and is more than willing to do whatever it takes to see Scholae prosper. He is a prominent example for many to aspire to, and continues to inspire those to do the absolute best they can do for Scholae. For these reasons, I believe Thran is very much deserving of a Grand Cross.

For the Empire! Xan Phraz-Etar Aedile of Scholae Palatinae

Thran is one of the heavy hitters that I know I can rely on to do Scholae Palatinae proud. Over the course of Horizons, Thran stepped up to the plate and hit hard. He showed why he has had such a successful career here in the brotherhood. He participated in 16 events with a HSP Highscore of 94. Not only was he the highest scorer in Horizons for HSP, but he managed to snag a 9th over all in the entire vendetta.

To achieve this he repeatedly put in the time and effort needed to give fantastic submissions. Doing so netted him a number of placements in events throughout the vendetta. These included placing 3rd in the Week 3 poetry, 2nd in the Week 3 Horror Fiction, Was the principle force in his groups 1st place Battleplan submission, 4th in the Week 2 ID Scan, 4th in the Week 1 Serious Fiction, 1st in the Week 1 Comedy Fiction and 4th in the Week 1 ID Scan.

But he wasn’t just giving fantastic submissions to events. Throughout Horizons he was present to urge members on, and give much needed support as some questioned their abilities. He knows how to give the reassurance that some members need that they are capable of great things. I am very grateful to have him around as one of the established members of the house.

As the most successful Scholae Palatinae member in this Horizons vendetta, he has more than earned a Grand Cross. His amount of submissions and quality thereof show everyone how participation in vendettas should be done. Congratulations Thran! Xen’Mordin Vismorsus QUA of Scholae Palatinae

Darth Aeternus, 2012-11-04 21:00:49 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Thran Occasus-Palpatine is one of the most respected senior members of Scholae Palatinae and a pleasure to have fun with, and for good reason. He is consistently active in participation, and a welcome presence in Clan chat who leads by example and through direct encouragement. Most notably, Thran served as a co-Captain during the Plagueis Pro Bowl event. He was in the team chat daily to pass along valuable information, to answer questions, to play games with folks or provide ideas to complete other competitions, and generally acting above and beyond his station to make sure all participants had an enjoyable Pro Bowl experience. Whether in Clan chat or the Rotworms channel, Thran was a member who exemplified a true team spirit, and encouraged everyone to do their best.

Since his last recognition in July 2021, Thran has done nearly every type of activity this club offers. He has participated in 45 competitions of various types. This includes 25 out of 25 competitions, or 100% of events, for the recent Plagueis Pro Bowl. He also managed to secure 1st place overall in the event with 207 points for the Rotworms he captained. He has an impressive crescent-to-competition ratio, having earned 5 Diamond, 6 Ruby, 3 Amethyst, 2 Sapphire, 1 Emerald, 2 Topaz, and 1 Quartz. He has also earned 351 Clusters of Fire, 284 Clusters of Earth, and 5 Pendants of Blood across an impressive 9 PvP and 51 PvE matches. On the fiction front, Thran completed 8 fiction activities, resulting in an incredible 24,576 words and 50 Clusters of Ice. Not shy from artistic adventures, Thran has also earned 11 Clusters of Graphite. And lastly, Thran passed 11 Shadow Academy courses and earned 4 Degrees.

Thran is a great example of a member that Clan Summit’s are fortunate to have among them: consistently active, consistently positive, and focusing on having fun. He wears the name of Palpatine with pride. For his efforts, it is my pleasure to present Thran this award.

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2021-10-23 03:28:18 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

The following is a prepared statement by Kevin.

Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, hereafter referred to as the 'submitter' , would like to award Thran Occasus-Palpatine, hereafter referred to as the 'awardee', one _____________ (Award to be handwritten later - Kevin).

The 'submitter' wishes to recognize fully the alleged activities that may, or may not, have occurred in the time frame between October 31st, 2022 and January 3, 2023. These activities, which may or may not have occurred, include a considerable effort to organize The Hutt Who Stole Sithmas, hereafter referred to as 'the event'.

This 'event' was critical to Scholae Palatinae's holiday traditions, but are not limiting nor discriminating against other holiday events including Jedikkah, Three Order Days, Life Day, Obeliskzaa, and St. Palpatine Day. 'Awardee' took the initiative to organize the competitions based upon prior consultation with 'submitter' who was unexpectedly unavailable due to a family health emergency.

The 'submitter' wishes the 'awardee' to know how much he appreciates all he did and the trust he's placed within him.

NOTE The 'awardee' does not need to hold harmless 'submitter' for said trust and appreciation and is not a a dissolvement nor prevention of any future stabbing that 'awardee' may do to 'submitter'.


  • 19 organized competitions
  • 4 co-organized competitions
  • 43 total competitions
  • 36 unique competitions


  • 15 gaming activities
  • 2 fictions
  • 8,041 words written


  • 6 Diamond
  • 3 Ruby
  • 6 Amethyst
  • 4 Sapphire
  • 1 Emerald
  • 1 Topaz
  • 1 Quartz


  • 50 Clusters of Fire
  • 16 Clusters of Ice
  • 365 Clusters of Earth
  • 15 Clusters of Graphite

Shadow Academy

  • 11 courses passed
  • 4 degrees gained

Seals & Scrolls

  • 1 Scroll of Foundation

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-01-04 21:52:17 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Thran stared at the projected image of the Emperor floating in a tank of Bacta. For all extents and purposes he appeared dead if not for the occasional twitch and the steady beep of the life support monitors. "The Empire must go on," Thran mumbled to himself as he continued through the list of members deserving recognition.

A glimmer of maniac glee entered his eyes as he came upon his name. Well, I should be recognized to...but, I can't do anything to extreme or they'll be suspicious. Ah, yes, this'll do, Thran thought, as he entered the following information into the datapad.

Moments later, a standard form letter came across his personal communication device.

The Emperor is pleased to present to you this Grand Cross for your outstanding service to the Empire. Thran crackled. "I'm sure you do Kamjin. I'm sure you do."

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-08-25 15:47:33 UTC