Clan Scholae Palatinae recently attained the honor of Second Clan in the Brotherhood Vendetta "Rites of Supremacy: Second Darkness" compiling 330 Clan points - outstripping four rival Clans to affirm their right as an Elite Clan.
For contributions, participation and tenacity to ensure the Clan's wartime efforts... I award Vasily this Merit Award. Compiling 72 individual points in the MP Gaming Event and taking the rank of 62nd Overall in the Vendetta.
Additionally, Vasily has compiled thirty-nine (39) Clusters of Fire (CF), two (2) Seals of Darkness, one (1) Seal of Dominance, participated in the Outer Rim War, been a valuable source of discussion and insight to our younger members on IRC (#scholae) since his transfer to House Caliburnus. His regular participation, activity and determination to assist the Clan are to be applauded.
Braecen Kaeth Kunar
Consul of Scholae Palatinae
Braecen Kaeth, 2007-04-10 22:00:00 UTC