Amethyst Kukri events for Zanet Xox

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Primary reason

Aabsdu is not the loudest among us, but he is the one of the most consistent and persistent that I have met. His projects don't often get a lot of screen time, as most of us veteran members rarely head down to the Shadow Academy for much, but he has done a lot, from categorizing the EPs into professors and helping bring down grading times, to consistently releasing new content and working to rework the SA site code (which desperately needed it). After almost two years with Aabsdu in charge, I can say that the Shadow Academy is a much more effective tool for the new joins than it was previously. And with the work he and his staff have been doing with my plans, it stands to continue improving as a tool in our drive for continued growth. To that end, Aabsdu is to be recognized with an Amethyst Kukri, as a symbol for his work in the Shadow Academy to improve the overall institution and its place in our Brotherhood. ~ Muz Ashen, Dark Lord of the Sith

This is a reccomendation for Aabsdu for an Amethyst Kukri. Aabsdu has always participated and lead the Dark Jedi Brotherhood at a very high level. His patience and hard work has helped the Brotherhood keep the Shadow Academy at a high level, while further improving it. Furthermore, his work through club wide events has helped the brotherhood run events, and face challenges smoothly. It is for his exceptionally high level of work that I recoomend Aabs for the Amethyst Kukri. ~ Alexander Anderson, Praetor to the GM

Oi, where to begin. I've been Aabs' right hand for going on 8 months now, and a year and a half before that as a Magistrate. In that time we've stood side by side and brought forth new policies and changes that no Headmaster has done before him. His ideas are fresh and always inventive, a treat that we at the Shadow Academy rarely get to see. Aabsdu is just shy of hitting the 1 year 10 months as Headmaster, which will make him the longest serving Headmaster in recent years. In the last two months alone, Aabsdu has released countless amounts of new projects and so forth. Just to name a few, he's released more than a handfull of degrees, courses, and oversaw the entire re-code of the SA in PHP. Aabs' is also a great listener. He listens to every single one of my ideas, and either shoots them down or puts them on the main burner. Just recently in fact I came to Aabs with the idea of getting rid of the EP system, and replacing them with Professors/Docents. Aabs took the idea and ran with it, as you can see now. It's in my eyes that I believe that Aabsdu has more than earned this award. Grats Gepetto. ~Taigikori Aybara, Praetor to the Headmaster.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2009-09-19 19:22:35 UTC
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Driftan Balephor
Primary reason

Programming is one of the most sought after occupations in DB day to day activity. Aabsdu brings much to the table, including knowledge of HTML, ASP, and since the Shadow Academy's conversion to PHP, he has tackled this language as well. The Shadow Academy is almost completely separate from the other societies in the sense that we normally have to code things ourselves. In the few years I've known him, I've watched the Shadow Academy grow beyond anyone's expectations. When he resigned in May of last year, I didn't want to be parted from his leadership and friendship. This wasn't the case however, as Aabsdu has been a behind the scenes Headmaster; my most trusted counsel. Aabsdu wrote the book on the Grind Path, literally a 10 page "how-to" guide that I have since been following in the construction of the new Grind Path feature. When Aabsdu stepped down, he also assumed the role of sole-coder. He codes everything for the Shadow Academy, from every new exam that is released, to the countless FTP site updates I put on his desk. As his work continues to pile up, it comes to my attention that I haven't awarded him for the extreme amount of coding work he does for the Shadow Academy. Aabsdu is in my opinion, the greatest thing to happen to the Shadow Academy. His work will carry on for years to come, and I honestly don't know where I'd be without him. It is with this that I recommend that my greatest of friends be awarded with the coveted Amethyst Kukri. Thank you for everything you've done. ~Taigikori Aybara Dupar; Headmaster of the Brotherhood

Driftan Balephor, 2011-01-13 11:53:08 UTC