Anteian Cross events for Ondur Lkaetur

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Since his return to the Brotherhood, Ondur has set himself apart from other new arrivals. Not only is he an active competitor with a wide range of abilities that saw him write an entire song for a competition that Tarax was hosting, or his entry in the more recent Fading Light Tournament. He has also passed the dreaded CoJ courses in the Shadow Academy (along with 5 others), and added a Dark Maven in writing in the process. He is not just a consumer, lingo that some of us have come to use, but a creator; having run a Brotherhood-wide competition which asked members to compose an intelligence-like report on various members of a dark cult. It is however his constant communication over the Taldryan mailing list, and in more private communications, that reaffirm Ondur’s willingness to be a part of our club. - Kaz

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2014-08-15 02:24:06 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Since Ondur's last recognition, he's participated in 11 (plus 3 container) competitions, earned himself 6 crescents - including one with a Ruby Star! Additionally, he's earned a Cluster of Ice, and the Mavens in Philosophy and Lore, as well as the History and Lore Savant in the Shadow Academy society! For these efforts over the past number of months, Ondur has earned an Anteian Cross! Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2016-08-01 01:13:59 UTC
Additional reasons

Ondur's wide range of activity hits on nearly every non-gaming category that we track - he's written fiction, he's done SA courses (and subsequently earned degrees), he's done puzzles, he's hunted Jedi - in short, he's well-rounded! Not only that, he regularly places in the competitions he enters, which is something we always look for - not just quantity, but some solid quality submissions. For his work here, I'm happy to add my voice in support of this award! Congrats!

General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla, 2016-07-31 00:26:22 UTC