Ruby Scepter events for Malisane Sadow

Ruby Scepter events
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
Primary reason

I must admit that I haven't dealt with Malisane recently. But, I can say with 100% certainty and conviction that, during his time as an Envoy, both on the house level and as KAB, Malisane greatly impressed me with his dedication and skill. He, along with Siya, helped make Naga Sadow's envoy system probably the most effective system in the whole Brotherhood. His letters were informative and useful for the new members. Malisane also applied for KCB when I stepped down, and it was a hard choice between him and Siya, but even when he didn't get it, Malisane kept going. He kept himself focused on his duties as an Envoy. As KAB, Malisane helped prepare one of the big Brotherhood advancement reports, so he's been on both sides of things: the action and the results.<br> <br> As I said, I haven't worked with Malisane recently, but since his superiors selected him as Aedile and now as Quaestor, I can only imagine that he has continued his great work with instructing all members under his watch, from the newest apprentice on up. Awarding Malisane a Ruby Scepter has my full endorsement.<br> <br> DA Anshar Kahn Tarentae, Headmaster of the Shadow Academy<br> <br> **<br> <br> For over a year, Malisane dedicated himself and everything he could give to the Society of Envoys. From his first day as Knight Class Envoy he started working on creating an entirely new Envoy system from the wreckage of the previous one. Against resistance he selected his staff and slowly implemented changes that eventually brought Clan Naga Sadow to the top. The Envoy system he created was one of the most successful systems in the Brotherhood, and it remained one of the best the entire time he was Knight Class Envoy (nearly 8 months). From there he moved on to the position of Knight Adjutant. He again gave every tidbit of knowledge he had and supplemented it with a grand imagination to help begin the start of a fictional history for the Society. He helped design an Envoy base, helped pull together information to add to the wikipedia, and continued to act as KCE for his clan. Since leaving the Envoy staff Malisane has continued to help train new envoys, and has never stopped mentoring new members who join not only Clan Naga Sadow, but any recruit who joins regardless of Clan. He has even helped to mentor some of the higher ranking members when things have gotten rough and has more than once prevented arguments and resignations. The Society of Envoys recognizes and Thanks him for all of his hard work and endless dedication - we are better because of everything you've given. Thank you.<br> <br> Siyavash<br> <br> *<br> <br> Malisane- the man who stepped up to Aedile and later Quaestor. An awesome envoy, a great friend, and a cool head. He is a real boon to have in our house. I find his dry humor and calm manner to be refreshing in heated debates. The fellow is not afraid to voice his opinion for the good of our Clan, even when it may be against the horde. He is a hard worker, runs regular competitons, takes care of and watches over his charges, and is always availiable to listen to concerns. He has done a fine job of leading House Ludo Kressh, and I am honored to serve under his lead. Malisane definately deserves recognition.<br> <br> SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura<br> House Ludo Kressh Assistant Envoy<br> DSC Tribune <br> <br> *<br> <br> When Malisane first joined this clan, he set about raging a little war on some of the things that had been 'standard' for some time. To be bluntly honest, I hated him at first. But, as time went on, and Malisane rose through the ranks, I began to find myself with a great deal of respect for him. Now, as my equal as the Quaestor of Naga Sadow's other house, I've found that respect has only grown. I look to Malisane for advice on many topics that I won't discuss with anyone else in the Brotherhood, and I know that I can trust what I say to him, and I can trust the advice I receive.<br> <br> Malisane served the Society of Envoys for nearly 18 months, ultimately rising to Knight Adjutant of the Brotherhood. During his time in the Envoys, Malisane made sweeping changes, particulary to the way Clan Naga Sadow used thier Envoys. At times, I was at odds with Malisane over various issues, however in the end looking at everything in hindsight, Malisane's service was nothing but impeccable, and his motives were true to the goals of the Brotherhood.<br> <br> Malisane's tenure as an Envoy brought about sweeping changes in the Brotherhood, at the smallest levels, where they affected the most change. Now, Malisane has left the Society of Envoys, and taken up the mantle of leadership in House Ludo Kressh. I have no doubt that, down the road, Malisane will become a leader in this club, either at the helm of this Clan, or even possibly more. I look forward to what Malisane will do in the future, and hope he continues his service in the way he has.<br> <br> Congratz on your award, Malisane!<br> <br> ~SBM Derev Niroth, Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos<br> <br> *<br> <br> Malisane has been a positive force in the DB for quite some time now. He is a role model for our newer members, as well as a guiding force for them - directing them and answering their questions. His work as envoy was dedicated, consistent, and he assisted everyone without asking for reward. Malisane constantly increased his work load, and his responsibility within the clan, and outside of it. Even as he did so, he has maintained his duties and kept his positive attitude. With all his work as envoy, and his work as QUA/AED, and his other side projects, he has easily earned the award given today. This is a small thank you for someone who has done so much, for so long.<br> <br> ~Kat Pridemore <br> <br> *<br> <br> I've never really been good with writing recs, but to be writing one for Malisane is something I'm more than willing to do.<br> Ever since I joined the DB in February of last year, I can say without a doubt that Malisane is one of the most important people - I'd go so far as to say a role model - in my DB career. As Clan Envoy, he was one of the first people I came into contact with, and so I was more than happy to work under him when I was given the job of House Envoy for HLK. Taking Malisane's place as Clan Envoy months later was a pleasure, and when I took the job, one of the first thoughts I had was that it would be hard for me to be half the man Mali was in the job. As Aedile of House Ludo Kressh, he went from strength to strength, and I couldn't be happier for him when he became Quaestor - and, becoming AED myself, I once again wondered if I could live up to Malisane in the role.<br> <br> As a QUA - or indeed in any of the positions he's been in - one crucial thing about Mali stands out: he genuinely cares about his House and his Clan. Some people might say that's expected, but I can truthfully say I have never seen a more selfless individual who puts HLK and CNS' best interests first. I'm more than certain Malisane will continue to do an excellent job as Quaestor, and should he ever go further in his career and become PCON or maybe even CON of CNS, then I for one will be content that the Clan is in good hands. After his devotion to the Clan and his care for everyone in it for all this time, I feel Malisane has fully earned the Ruby Scepter. Congrats! <br> <br> SW Xayun Erinos<br> Aedile of House Ludo Kressh<br> <br> *<br> <br> In the eighteen months Malisane has been a member of Clan Naga Sadow he has already shaped for himself a seat in the Clan's history. He has become one of the most respected, influential and recognised members in the Clan, a good friend, active competitor and impartial judge of character. He epitomises what Clan Naga Sadow strives for and is an example to others.<br> <br> The Ruby Scepter is said to be the sign of a scholar. Awarded to one of the great mentors of the Brotherhood. Their work will have touched a range of others with significant contributions in the areas of instruction, invention and mentorship. From his former work as Envoy and then Adjutant to the Knight Commander of the Brotherhood, to Quaestor and his services to the Conclave of Naga Sadow I can think of no other who satisfies these criteria so fully. Malisane has touched many members and his lead is one that should be followed.<br> <br> It is a proud day for me and the whole of Clan Naga Sadow to see one of its own joining the ranks of the holders of what is the 4th most precious medal in the Dark Brotherhood.<br> <br> Congratulations, my friend.<br> <br> Darth Vexatus<br> Son of Sadow<br> <br> **<br> <br> This recommendation is going out for a medal that's considered fairly high-up in the DB, and it's usually given for a very specific purpose. So, the fact that Malisane provided a year and a half of dedicated service to the Society of Envoys would seem like an appropriate reason to award a Ruby Scepter.<br> <br> However, my job in writing this recommendation is to discuss Malisane's accomplishments in areas outside of the Society of Envoys. Malisane was an Envoy when he was appointed Aedile of House Ludo Kressh, which he performed admirably. Towards the end of her tenure as Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh, Sildrin started getting (as far as I know) very busy with her IRL job, limiting her time for her Quaestor duties. Malisane helped pick up the slack. When Sildrin was appointed Seneschal, Malisane easily became the obvious choice to take her place as Quaestor. He spent about six months as Aedile and has been Quaestor for about two and a half months.<br> <br> For a relatively new member, Malisane is extremely mature and laid back. I think that's partially because he joined the DB at a later age than most people do. But, it's in his nature. He is content to stay in his current position for as long as it is necessary, and he is in no rush to go up the chain of command. He takes simple satisfaction in a job well done, and that reminds me of another great member of the DB...that would be me. He is a consistently active member of the DB, and he does his job well. House Ludo Kressh has had only 12 Quaestors in its 8 year history, which I think is remarkable for a position that usually has a lot of turnover (because people get promoted or resign or whatever). Malisane does the little chores of the Quaestor without fail. I'll notice a member who should get promoted, and a few hours later, that person will have been promoted, because the recommendation was sent so quickly. It's sometimes annoying, because I'll want to promote people myself on the side, just to show that I'm still doing something. It's because I have House Summits who do their jobs so well, that I as the Consul don't have that much to do.<br> <br> I consider Malisane to be a trusted advisor, with the same level of maturity of Goatham. If this medal is being awarded because of his service to the Envoys, then I guess this recommendation is simply the icing on the cake.<br> <br> Dark Adept Manesh Sadow<br> Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Manesh, 2007-02-01 23:00:00 UTC