Anteian Cross events for Wolvie "the jackal"

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Primary reason

I would like to request an Anteian Cross for Wolvie for his activity during the recent Rite of Supremacy. Wolvie has participated in four events, ending in 43rd place with a total of 111 points. This is all the more impressive because the majority of these came from Wolvie’s skills at Jedi Academy –and the corresponding team ladder- alone. With the points system as it was, this is a truly astounding feat that speaks volumes about his dedication to the Clan and JA gaming as a whole.

It must also be noted that Wolvie has recently taken it upon himself to fulfill the role of Jedi Academy trainer for Arcona. So far, we have had precious little opportunity to test it, but he has come to me with good ideas –such as schedules and more ‘fancy’ names for Trainers- that will undoubtedly help once the program is in full swing.

For this work, I would like to request that Wolvie be given the Anteian Cross.

Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae, 2007-04-17 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Etah Obsidyn
Primary reason

First and second place in this Great Jedi War were separated by less than thirty points. There was no big lead, no margin for failure. If every single person that submitted to the GJW hadn't done their part this victory would not have been possible. Wolvie's participation in Skirmish 1 and Skirmish 2, along with his 9th place finish in Elimination can easily be said to have made the difference between Victory and the runners up circle. His contributions to Elimination in particular went beyond gaining points for his clan by participation and placing in the top ten. He eliminated such potent opponents as Vardar and RevX who if not defeated then could have gone on to defeat other Arconan’s and prevented Elimination from being the wild success for Arcona that it was. This medal isn't just a token of our gratitude, it is a commitment to our members without which none of this would have been possible and a promise to return triumphant from the next Great Jedi War.

Etah Obsidyn, 2009-05-16 04:33:45 UTC