Character Snapshot (Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu)

Character Snapshot for Seer Xirini Kurai (2015/09/03, Seer Xirini Kurai vs. Padawan Gui Sol)

Seer Xirini Kurai

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Cathar, Force Disciple, Shadow, Guardian
Height: 1.5 m / 4'11" - Weight: 49.8 kg / 110 lbs
Age: 23 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

As a Cathar of the Juhani subspecies, Rin's appearance is largely near-human, with the only notable differences being fur-covered skin and slitted, feline eyes. At first glance, it would be difficult to recognize her as a member of the Cathar species, with soft facial features and platinum hair and slightly darker fur blending into an otherwise pale complexion. Attractive for her species, she takes great care in grooming her appearance, maintaining a lithe and shapely figure.

Preferring non-restrictive, yet luxurious clothing, Rin's usual attire consisting of a short, sleeveless and form-fitting dress made from the finest shimmersilks. In hues ranging from a deep purple to a lighter pink tone, it is embellished with several patterns of various designs. A crosh-hide midsection in her attire fastens around her abdomen, allowing for greater flexibility and aiding in maintaining her physique. Ending in a short skirt, her attire is both revealing and practical when mobility is required. Resting around her shoulders, a similarly ornate, over-sized scarf doubles as a cowl, which is used to mask her rather eye-catching hair and feline eyes when needed.

A hunter with a seedy reputation by nature, her otherwise "youthful" features are marred by scars on her legs, back and arms, which are usually covered with the strategic use of leggings and sleeves, made from the same shimmersilk material as her dress.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Lightsabers x2, slugthrowers x2, Stun grenades x2, CryoBan grenades x2, 1 Thermal Detonator
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)

Twin lightsabers, twin slugthrowers

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This One Is Mine (General Aspect)

Xirini has become an adept hunter, spending time with her mentor and training hard to reach his level of survival and tracking. Because of this, she will often fixate on an opponent and not rest until they are defeated. This often causes her to have a one track mind, as she will forgo rest and food when on the prowl.

Feral Hunter (General Aspect)

Over the years, solitude and psychosis has turned Rin into more animal than anything else. Her prey is the only thing she lives for causing her to be abrupt, ill-tempered and more than a little hostile to those around her. She isn't deliberately rude, just cannot cope with people being around her.

Cold, Hard Bitch (Personality Aspect)

Xirini has become cold, distant and calculating over the years. She does not enjoy doing things more than she absolutely has to in order to complete any given task. She will pursue her marks with eagerness and with extreme prejudice, but if pushed too far, she will also gladly disembowel them in front of their own children. She may even get the children after she finishes.

The Punisher (Personality Aspect)

Xirini has become an instrument of vengeance. She refuses to allow wrongdoing to persist and will go out of her way to stop anyone upsetting the status quo. She makes no distinction between friend and foe, only right and wrong. Because of her traumatic past, this belief system is deeply ingrained and nigh unshakeable.

You're All Gonna Die (Combat Aspect)

Xirini’s presence of the field of battle has always meant only one thing to her - Victory. She is never willing to give ground and she detests losing. This has driven her to learn tactics and become a master at the art of killing without being present. Her own viciousness drives her to do things that others would view as deplorable and reprehensible.

Angel With a Shotgun (Combat Aspect)

Xirini prefers to use her slugthrowers in combat over her lightsaber. If possible, she shoots to kill, never to scare or wound. Her Master taught her to never allow an enemy to live and she embraces this to the fullest extent. She feels so strongly that even when pushed, she will not go against this teaching. Prisoners are rarely needed.

Skill Feats
Ambidexterity II Pulling. It. Off. The Force is With Me Trick Shots
Force Feats
Deep Bond I Telekinetic Strike III
Granted Feats
Cathar: Blood Hunt Faceless II Ghosting II Cathar: Temper Of A Lion
  • Basic
  • Catharese
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Fist
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form V (Shien)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None