Character Snapshot (Governor Tierra Suha'sen)

Character Snapshot for Vanguard V'yr Vorsa (2015/09/15, Adept Sashar Erinos Arconae vs. Vanguard V'yr Vorsa)

Vanguard V'yr Vorsa

Equite 3, Equite tier, The Council
Female Neti, Jedi, Marauder, Guardian
Height: 1.9 m / 6'3" - Weight: 100.0 kg / 220 lbs
Age: 340 years - Right Handed
Physical Description


V'yr Vorsa stands just above the average person. Being tall and lean, with just enough femininity showing through, her physique is an eye-catcher for both genders. However, while she does appear near-human, her true nature is revealed through her hair and skin. Vines, branches and leaves form most of her hair, with the latter showing only in certain conditions such as warm and moist weather.

Her hair is always in motion, like a living creature hanging from her head. It reacts to her environment and her emotional state, depending on the situation, much like facial expressions do. The leaves wither and die off if she is in cold or harsh weather, sad, under emotional stress or otherwise emotionally compromised, and flowers often bloom when she is warm, happy, at ease or relaxed.

Vorsa's eyes are golden with a fiery accent. They can equally be filled with caring, compassion and love as well as coldness, bitterness and anger. Her glare is enough to shatter the morale of seasoned veterans, just as her reputation is enough to make her enemies cautious.


Vorsa almost always wears her armor on the battlefield and in official business related to her station as General of the K.U.D.F. Custom built for her, this light, ocher colored armor grants her sufficient protection while retaining freedom of movement. The armor has her General rank insignia engraved into it's left breastplate.

She always wears a simple black robe fashioned from finer fabrics, with golden trim sewn to the edges, no matter the situation. The robe has a long hood she can cover her head with, which falls far below her shoulders when taken off.

When not on the battlefield she usually wears comfortable clothes that don't restrict her movement and breathe easily. These are mostly combat tops and shorts, or full body suits.

She wears no gloves of boots. Vorsa likes to feel the soil under her feet and sense the environment she touches. Her hands and feet are always wrapped in linen wraps, both for protection against the elements and for martial arts use.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)
  • Lightsaber

The Art of War (General Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa has spent centuries studying many topics, including military tactics from various species. She has a very focused mind when it comes to strategy and war and often spends hours and days reading through maps and intel reports, planning and calculating. Her Natural Endurance has an enormous role to play in this, since she needs no sleep or rest except for sunlight and water.

Vorsa never underestimates an opponent and so she focuses on the minutest details so that every stratagem is part of a bigger whole and never one single move. Enemies are often left flatfooted by her maneuvers, but the amount of planning and overthinking often leaves many of her own subordinates baffled and confused. No plan is fool proof and Vorsa rarely seems to calculate human error into her plans.

Ties That Bind (General Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa has a very strong Force connection with two individuals - her sister, A'lora Kituri, and her apprentice, Turel Sorenn. This bond is strong enough that she can effortlessly feel their presence when they are close and even feel some of their emotions over vast distances. Telepathy comes easily with them and basic emotions like danger, excitement or encouragement are felt clearly. Stronger emotions, such as death or turmoil register in vague intuition, but are present regardless.

This bond allows the three to connect more strongly on the battlefield through Force Meld, making them a uniquely strong force of destruction. Their movements and attack patterns are well coordinated and precise, giving them an edge even over stronger opponents when they work as a team.

Even Unto Death (Personality Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa is, at her core, a compassionate person. Through her long years she has come to understand that fear pays off in the short term, but if you want loyalty from your troops in the long run, being a dictator rarely works. She often communicates with her troops, even the lowest ranks, giving out advice and lessons or simply talking with them about their lives. She knows many by name and often praises them for their loyalty and courage.

The soldiers under her command are fanatically loyal to her because she considers them her children, and not tools to be used and thrown away. This kind of demeanor towards her troops has left Vorsa vulnerable to their inevitable truth of war - death comes for every soldier, and each new death leaves a scar within her that will never properly heal.

Steady Under Pressure (Personality Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa is a woman of few words. She dislikes small talk and rarely speaks unless she has something meaningful to say. She keeps a calm and balanced demeanor at all times, even during combat, which grants her a clear mind in stressful situations. She prefers to have a cool head in the heat of battle and her demeanor is the same in personal as well as mass combat, oftentimes making her seem heartless, cold and detached.

Be Like Water (Combat Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa is an experienced warrior. In combat she is calm yet aggressive and decisive. She has trained in her preferred form, Vapaad, for decades and has become accustomed to it fluid and athletic style. She has also become proficient in using Amplification at the right moment to gain an advantage.

As she uses Vapaad in personal combat, so she transfers Vapaad's decisiveness and flurry of motion into mass combat, coordinating units in patterns so complex and seemingly random that they often surprise the enemy once they strike. Her tactics are fluid and ever changing to adapt to any type of enemy, however even a miscalculation on her part could lead her army to disaster and ruin, just like a misstep in Vapaad leads to death.

The White Lotus (Combat Aspect)

V'yr Vorsa is a seasoned warrior and commander. She will utilize her vast knowledge of combat tactics and her extreme patience on the battlefield to bring down her enemy and incapacitate or end him. Intellect is her true weapon and when the enemy is too strong she will keep her distance and Manipulate him to break down his defenses before striking.

Vorsa uses the environment to her advantage whenever she can to give herself freedom of movement to engage. She is no fool and rarely attacks stronger opponents frontally, and when she does there is usually some sort of method to the madness. She is a risk taker and she strikes decisively, however her patience and her methodical approach to combat have often left her with too many missed opportunities against opponents who use tactics and techniques she isn't used to or knowledgeable about.

Skill Feats
War Hero Ambidexterity II Resistance Is Futile
Force Feats
Enhanced Sight I Force Meld I Reflexive Counter
Granted Feats
Order Feat: Jedi Neti: Natural Stamina Battlefield Awareness II Battle Haste II Neti: Photosynthesis
  • Basic
  • Neti
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Military Forces and Combat Doctrines of the Dark Brotherhood Clans
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Teras Kasi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Vaapad)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None