Steel Cross events for Ky Terrak di Plagia

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Ky has done an outstanding job as BTL over the last five months. He is helpful, active, and selfless. So much so that he even went as far as to volunteer to give up his BT for the good of the Clan with its upcoming BT reorganization.<br> <br> His work and faith in HSK and CP is appreciated and respected by all. I hearitly recommend him for the Steel Cross. Read below for the thanks from his Summits.<br> <br> ~Raken<br> <br> I am honored to recommend Ky Terrak for the Steel Cross. Ky has served with loyalty and distinction as a Battle Team Leader in Plagueis over the course of the last five months. Ky's hard work and dedication improved both Clan Plagueis and House Satal Keto. Congratulations Ky!<br> <br> Sarin<br> <br> I haven't known Ky all that long, but in the short time I have known him he's been an amazing member. He's hard working and cares about the good of the clan. Keep it up, and congratulations! <br> <br> ~ PCON Aabs<br> <br> Ky, what can i say...hardworking? gets the job done? Never gives up? well i guess i could say all that and more. Ky is a outstanding member of HSK and he has proved it from time and time again with his GJW submissions, medals he has recived, and the activity out of his house. There is no other person i can think of who deserves this award as much as Ky does. Grats Ky and keep up the great work! <br> <br> QUA/HSK OP Silent

Raken, 2006-09-01 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

What can I say about Ky Terrak? He is a great Quaestor, put simply. When I was BTL of Exar's Shadow, he was an Aedile. He was always pushiing me to my very best, making me read the manual numerous times and helping me when I had any questions. I watched him get that promotion to QUA, and I knew House Exar Kun would be better under his command. It is with great pleasure that I reccoment Templar Ky Terrak for a <br> Steel Cross ~ AED Dismal<br> <br> -----<br> <br> Over the past several months, OT Ky Terrak has done an outstanding job as QUA of HEK. He has shown extreme dedication to the position, and HEK has prospered under his leadership. Also, Ky has helped with many projects withen the Clan, and DB. He is an active gamer, and always encourages activity withen the House, and Clan. This is more than enough to show why Ky is more than deserving of this award ~ BTL Laigerick<br> <br> -----<br> <br> Ky Terrak has been an active and integral part of the Plagueis leadership team. As QUA, Ky has increased communication within House Exar Kun and thereby overall activity. He has also assured that the House has a plethora of competitions on a regular basis and supplements the clan-wide competitions very well. In addition, Ky has been a key element of PlagueisÂ’ small retinue of gamers and has earned a tremendous amount of CFs in recent weeks. In addition Ky has participated in various competitions and has aided the Clan Summit in various projects. Ky Terrak is a key leader of Clan Plagueis and will continue to be so with is strong activity base and will to strive ~ PCON Orzon<br> <br> -----<br> <br> Ky is a great member and leader. He participates in competitions and gaming just like any normal member of the clan, but then he turns around and shows his true potential as a Quaestor at the same time. He gets out reports weekly, runs competitions for the members, encourages communication, and various other amazing talents you look for in a leader. The only difference is that he does them two-fold. Ky manages to do what many leaders cannot, and that is bridge the gap between normal membership and leadership ~ CON Aabs

Zanet Xox, 2007-01-20 23:00:00 UTC