Character Snapshot (Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya)

Character Snapshot for Lieutenant Colonel Teebu Nyrrire (2023/01/04, Lieutenant Colonel Teebu Nyrrire vs. Augur Appius Taldrya Wight)

Lieutenant Colonel Teebu Nyrrire

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Ewok, Loyalist, Director, Imperial
Height: 0.9 m / 2'11" - Weight: 28.86 kg / 64 lbs
Age: 33 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Slightly shorter than your typical Ewok, Teebu stands at just under 1 meter tall.

His eyes are hazel colored and his fur is a mix of light, medium, and dark brown colors. He has longer and more pronounced nails on his hands with sharpened edges. He is also slightly on the thinner side compared to most Ewoks. His eyes are hazel colored.

Loadout: Grand Admiral Nyrrire (Combat Situations) (Snapshot)
Absolute Loyalty Doctrine (General Aspect)

Operating under a strict doctrine of absolute loyalty, Teebu Nyrrire only allows those who have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that they would give up their lives for Clan Taldryan and obey both his and the Consul's every command to the letter into the command divisions of the Taldryan Navy. This doctrine extends further in regards to every crew member stationed on the Kasiyan Shield Gate and the Axios, the two most heavily fortified locations in Taldryan next to the Taldryan Tower. This makes it an especially high honor to be selected to serve at either of these posts. Those who feel that they are worthy to become officers, but have not been seen by Teebu in the same light often never become one, wonder why they are not being promoted despite everything they give, causing those in the lower naval echelons to become disheartened and frustrated.

Formerly Imperial (General Aspect)

Teebu developed himself as a strategist and tactician and had molded himself into what it took to survive within the realm of command as a Flag Officer. When it came to his daily life, this routine sticks around. Be it when working formulating plans or strategies and being with others on the battlefield, or when not working just out and about in the city, because of his general demeanor and his leadership style, he expects success and perfection. If asked, he will help others work towards reaching the goal he has set. If those around him fail repeatedly or waiver in their resolve with whatever task it is they are performing, Teebu will quickly lose his patience and do it himself regardless of how they feel or reacts.

Terminal Corruption (Stage 1 of 3) (Personality Aspect)

From the continued wearing and usage of the Ring of Vodo, Teebu Nyrrire has begun to show signs of mental corruption. This corruption randomly manifests itself in the form of Teebu's words and actions not being his own, but that of Vodo Biask Taldrya. Teebu has also begun actively hallucinating that Vodo exists in the world around him and converses with him, where others see him talking to no one resulting in a questioning of his mental stability. If Teebu Nyrrire continues to utilize the ring, the corruption will continue to increase in severity until eventually his mind is overwritten by that of Vodo. Or worse, death.

...Have Laid Bare Your Inadequacies as a Military Director. (Personality Aspect)

Failure outside of someone's control is one thing, and can be understood. Failure due to one's inadequacies of incompetence however is another entirely, and it is those which will quickly gain the attention of Teebu Nyrrire. Those under his command that fail due to either reason will often find themselves reassigned to a distant outpost or a desk job that a womprat could succeed at. Those who fail catastrophically due to their own mistakes however, will often be made examples of. Rumor even has it that he killed a former Executive Officer during a battle for refusing his orders. This has instilled a fear of failure in newer crew members of the junior officer and non-commissioned ranks that serve under him, causing them not speak up when they can not do something, which can cause them to operate outside of their capabilities often with negative results.

The Commander on the Hill (Combat Aspect)

Whether it be a small firefight or an all-out war, Teebu Nyrrire almost always leads from a safe and secure position. While he is a revered and experienced military tactician within the Taldryan Navy, he generally shys away from getting into direct combat himself often remaining on the bridge of the Axios or a command outpost. This allows him to retain tactical control of the battle, actively monitoring of the situation and reports as they come in. While some question his perceived lack of bravery, others harbor great respect with his resolve and tact.

When in direct combat face to face however, his field control begins to wane if he is required to coordinate multiple fronts at the same time as defending himself. This places both himself and the battle in a dangerous position that could have been avoided had he allowed an Army Officer to lead the fight instead.

We Will Crush the Rebellion With One Swift Stroke. (Combat Aspect)

Much to the chagrin of the Taldryan Consul and the House Summits, Teebu Nyrrire always makes sure that his victories are well known and absolute. To that end, when an enemy force is defeated by forces under his command, they will continue to push until the very spirit of the enemy is shattered even under calls for a complete surrender, and only then is an end to the battle given and the enemies made examples of.

This has resulted in a disdain towards Clan Taldryan and Teebu from worlds not part of the Taldryan Dominion due to his brutal tactics, but admiration from those within it that Taldryan will not tolerate harm towards those under their protection; that those who would harm them, this is what will happen. Several sectors have openly declared against Clan Taldryan due to this, presenting a threat to both Teebu's life and the Dominion's security.

Skill Feats
Unrelenting Offensive Classic Misdirection Unyielding Defense I See What You Did There Ivory Tower Fear Will Keep Them In Line Down Scope Disarming Smile Just The Two Of Us II
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Silver Tongue II Checkmate II Ewok: Yub Nub! Order Feat: Loyalist Ewok: Pint Size
  • Basic
  • Ewokese
  • Art of Naval Warfare - The Admiralty of Thrawn
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • Naval Strategic Operations
  • The Military Life of Wilhuff Tarkin - Autobiography
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art None
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization None
Secondary Weapon Specialization None
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None