Sapphire Blade events for Cethgus Tiberius Entar

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

I was talking with Ceth about this the other day. Who’d have ever guessed that A: I’d be able to get over myself and give him a chance, and B: he’d actually be able to make something of himself in Arcona’s summit? Neither of us, that’s for sure, but make it he has. And he’s even gone one step better and excelled. I’ll get the boring necessary stuff out of the way first, to prove that he actually deserves the reward before we start saying how he’s a step away from solving world hunger whilst composing a concerto, pleasing my mother in a way my dad never thought possible AND delivering the 9th reincarnation of the Buddha.

Heeeeere we go! Right, in terms of medals, since his last promotion, he’s earned fifteen Seals of Unity, A Grand Cross of the Dark Side, three Dark Crosses, two Scrolls of Foundation, a Legion of the Scholar, five Crescents with Emerald Stars, One hundred and forty two (!!!) Clusters of Fire, a Pendant of Blood, a Crescent with Sapphire Star, a Crescent with Amethyst Star, a Crescent with Topaz Star, a Steel Cross, five Seals of Bone, a Seal of Loyalty and finally fourteen Clusters of Ice. This is insane. That’s JUST the medals!

Next up: His leadership. He’s got a Dark Maven for service to the SA (which he’s still doing and has been for 4 months previously as Professor or something), been Quaestor of Exar Kun for about two months, Battleteam Leader of Wolf Guard and Shadow gate for a combined time of 5 months, Aedile of Galeres for a month, and Quaestor of Galeres for two months previously and still holds the position today. That’s a combined time of about 14 months in various leadership roles. He doesn’t just collected failed summit positions, either; he’s worked damn, damn hard to better whatever he’s put in command of and puts out prompt reports, has run a total of twenty competitions (if you really, really want me to list them all I can) – he’s brought in new members from Myspace, Fabook, Twitter and Bebo through a DB advertising campaign (which he headed up), He’s run the War of Domination for Galeres, which brought about a marked increase in activity with his House; always nice to see. He’s tried his hand at the Arcona wiki revamp project, participated in 5 ACC matches, is NEVER off IRC, run Clan Arcona IRC trivia, trained up BTLs in Galeres in the form of Inarya and Maaks, honestly he can do it all. There is nothing he cannot manage as a leader (other than apparently using a spell checker) and is well overdue for a promotion. Okay, I need to pause for breath, but you see where I’m coming from, right? The activity listed is superhuman. Titanic. It probably outshines some clans, and it deserves recognition.

Good job, mate. You’ve put us all to shame with your activity, especially in the face of such adversity.

Sashar Arconae

Well, what more is there really to say about Cethgus that hasn’t already been mentioned here. He and I haven’t always necessarily seen eye to eye, but I feel that everyone can accept that Cethgus cares a great deal about this club and every day he works to improve it in his own way. He is always there with advice and help where it is needed, his enthusiasm is always refreshing and surprisingly unique and he is always online, chipping in and adding his own output to whatever is going on at the time. He is supremely active, gleefully flooding my inbox regularly with medal reports from his escapades into the gaming that is on offer in the Brotherhood along with also submitting fictions and helping to run things in the background as and when it is required. His work in the Shadow Academy has already been mentioned by the Headmaster, but it just goes to show that he is not one-dimensional, diversifying himself and spreading himself wide but not thinly, not letting any part of his activity falter at the expense of another. I could harp on all day, but I’d just be reiterating what has already been said, so allow me to sum it all up; Cethgus is one of those few members whose work more than deserves to be rewarded with a sacramental medal. He has worked to better himself, he has worked to better Arcona and he has worked to better the Brotherhood as a whole with his work as a Professor in the Shadow Academy and a member of the gaming staff. He is a prize that Arcona is proud to possess, and long may we do so. Congratulations Cethgus, this is more than deserved. Keep up the good work and give me an excuse to stroke your ego some more in the future.

SWL Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae Arcona CON [courses] [medals]

Ceth has been on my staff for a bit over 4 months now, and in that time he has done one heck of a job. He's always been suggesting competitions including Old versus New, Naruto Special Gaming event, the Halo Reach Tourny, and several others that are on our calendar that is coming up. He constantly games, and evidence to that is the 313 matches that he played in the month of February, beating a record that was set by Smoke back in August which was 293, but also as further evidence to this fact, there hasn't been a month that he did not rank up in the GMRG. He was originally scripted to make sure that everything that I did while on the Gaming Servers that I had acquired ran smoothly and that I didn't make any mistake. Cethgus also wrote the original Sections in the RoC for the Halo Series, Alien versus Predator, and Star Craft 2. He also took over administration of the training days, where he makes sure that we have enough trainers for the respective games, as well as informing our members of our training days, and making sure that the trainers are ready for the training days. On the training days it self, he tracks how many hours the trainer has been training, as well as how many matches, and at the end of the day he awards the trainees the CF's that they had earned for that day. Finally, he was a major part of of Project Icon. He created the General Rules for Matchmaking and the Free For All sections in the RoC. Thanks Ceth for all you do and Congrats on your award dude!

Fremoc Pepoi Sadow Fist of the Brotherhood Son of Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-05-24 11:01:14 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Since I have begun working with Cethgus, I have witnessed a member with an amazing amount of dedication, drive, and commitment to the Brotherhood. Detailed below is his work not only with me, but as an awesome leader to his new Clan, as a project coordinator, and as a motivator. I can safely say that I would not be where I am today were it not for Cethgus.

To begin with, Cethgus has shown a remarkable ability to coordinate projects. As soon as he became Proconsul in Naga Sadow, Cethgus looked at the Clan wiki pages and catalogued what needed work or what would need revision. He then called for volunteers to work on the pages, and assigned pages to each volunteer as they came in. After this, Cethgus got them onto a Hangouts call where he could do one page as an example, demonstrating exactly what was expected and clarifying that for anyone that did not know how to do it. This has resulted in several pages being completed quickly and efficiently. Cethgus was able to demonstrate what was necessary, keep everyone organized, and also keep them on task.

Cethgus is also a leader in the more social aspects of the Clan. He regularly gets members involved in IRC conversations and Google+ Hangouts, gradually helping those who are more shy to socialize and also emailing older members to get them involved. Cethgus has organized weekly Hangouts, often scheduling them far in advance so everyone has a chance to join in. These activities have greatly increased the level of involvement from the Clan. Members are glad to have a Proconsul who reaches out to and speaks to them. As a result of Cethgus' efforts, they join our conversations, and then continue to be involved in Clan activities.

Cethgus has set an awesome example for other Summit members, in addition to his efforts to help the Clan. He takes the time in Hangouts or in written discussion to explain to them in detail what they need to do. For instance, our House leaders were recently planning events for April, and when it seemed like they might not know how to approach it, Cethgus got everyone together and explained how to get started. He has integrated quickly with the Clan, and worked alongside myself to provide stronger guidelines on Summit requirements, ensuring the effective operation of our Summit. For instance, with Cethgus' help, I have been able to get a lot more effort out of the Clan Summit, while keeping them interested and enthusiastic.

One way Cethgus exemplifies great leadership was represented in the recent week when we had no Rollmaster. Cethgus took it upon himself to perform the duties during this time, taking the initiative to volunteer for it immediately. In this role, he contacted every Journeyman in the Clan, he established at least three Master-Student Pairs out of existing members, and assisted a long time member of the Clan to get to Knighthood. In this way, Cethgus demonstrated the proper role of a Rollmaster, while we were running applications to fill the position.

In addition, Cethus has been a great partner to me in returning to Clan leadership. He his almost always available for me to bounce ideas off of and discuss things with. He has brought many good ideas to the table, and offers a unique perspective. When I ask for a blunt, honest opinion, Cethgus doesn't hesitate to provide one. We have also been able to coordinate our actions really well, so that when one of us is busy, the other is usually able to address Summit and member concerns. One example where Cethgus was very helpful was in the recent Proving Grounds event we ran for Naga Sadow. He helped me brainstorm competition ideas and write the competitions. Then he encouraged members to participate by building a friendly, competitive atmosphere. Finally, when it came to judging, Cethgus helped with a lot of the leg work with the competitions and offered constructive opinions on the ones that were more difficult to judge.

Furthermore, Cethgus' accolades have demonstrated his drive and dedication to the club since his previous award. He was Quaestor of House Galeres in Arcona for thirteen months, from his previous award in January 2014, to his transfer to Naga Sadow in February of 2015. He served as a Magistrate to the Fist for six months, from that same January to June 2014. He ran 25 competitions during this time and participated in 22. The competitions he ran included a Clan wide event called "Figureheads", which he jointly ran with SBM Nikola Valtiere. He also wrote much of a wiki page for this event. He earned 521 Clusters of Fire, 20 Clusters of Ice, three Pendants of Blood, and an Emerald Crescent during this time as well. Finally, he earned a Scroll of the Master for mentoring a student to Dark Jedi Knight. As a House leader, Cethgus led the way, having high participation in both Fading Lights and the Great Jedi War. As Quaestor, Cethgus released a report every month, and as Magistrate, he helped coordinate the TOR guild, releasing four news announcements to promote it.

Though I was not present for the Quaestor activities, and am not a TOR player myself, the facts of Cethgus' history speak volumes about his involvement in his Clan and the club, and his dedication and leadership. He led from the front lines in competitions with high participation. He set a quality example for other leaders with his regular, well-done reports, while also taking the time to mentor a student to Dark Jedi Knight, as noted above.

The above paragraphs show again and again that Cethgus is a highly dedicated individual and a value to the Brotherhood as a whole, as well as any Clan in which he involves himself. He served for a long time in Arcona before switching to Naga Sadow. Cethgus exemplified the example that Arcona seeks to set in helping the Brotherhood, by sacrificing his career in a highly successful Clan to transfer and assist one that was really struggling. In just a short time, Cethgus has helped me turn Naga Sadow into a powerhouse that shows little signs of the stagnation and defeat it suffered from only months before.

For these reasons, I would like to recognize Cethgus Tiberius Entar with this Sapphire Blade, for his extensive efforts across two Clans. Thank you, Cethgus, for being such a valuable part of our Brotherhood.

KE Locke Sonjie
Consul of Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2015-04-15 18:10:29 UTC
Additional reasons

Since his last major merit award 14 months ago, Cethgus served dutifully as Quaestor of House Galeres before making his move to Naga Sadow as Proconsul. As Quaestor, Cethgus set the example for what a Summit member and leader in this club should strive for; he sent countless emails to his members during times of both war and downtime. He maintained a catalogue of every one of his members state of minds, needs, and where they were at not just in the club, but in real life. If I ever asked, “What is up with member X”, he would be able to tell me their story. This does not translate to paper, so I can’t tell you how many specific examples of this there was. He simply did them, and it translated to his success as a Quaestor, and the activity of House Galeres speaks for itself over the course of his time leading it.

Cethgus was a full participant in all three rounds of the Fading Light Vendetta, tackling every single event. That consistency carried over into GJWXI. He was the first Arconan to go 4/4 in individual events for Round 2, before most of us had even read the prompts. I had to do a double take when I saw the message, and then watched him finish up strong by getting 100% participation overall. This is Standard Operating procedure for Cethgus; business as usual. He leads by example by doing every single event, even the ones he’s not good or comfortable at. It’s contagious and infects not just his own members, but those of the entire Clan.

He’s also earned a Scroll of the Master for guiding Lexi Sarden to Dark Jedi Knight. He’s earned over 328 CFs and served as a Magistrate to the Fist for 7 months.

As Quaestor his reports were clear, detailed, and on time. Anytime two members in his unit had an issue, he resolved it quickly and efficiently. Anytime two leaders were at odds, he could step in and handle it. If he had an issue, we’d hop on Google Plus, talk it out, and have a resolution in a timely manner. He inspires everyone around him to be active by being active himself. He was the co-runner of Operation: Figureheads where he helped run 11 events and the story that accompanied it. He worked on the spreadsheet, input totals, and made sure it was presentable for the unit.

For his continued and unwavering dedication as a Quaestor through a year of Warfare and conflict, It is my privilege to award Cethgus another Sapphire Blade.

Marick Arconae
Consul Emeritus

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-04-15 18:08:09 UTC

Stability is an important component of success, especially success in the long-term. House Galeres, under Cethgus’ tenure as Quaestor, unquestionably achieved long-term success, and much of it started with the stability that he presented at the top.

When I first came to know Cethgus, he was a gamer, a somewhat hot-headed competitor with a passion for the Brotherhood. Today, he’s a much different figure, and as a result of his development and continual personal improvement, he’s been tapped to take another step in the organization’s hierarchy. He has become level-headed and even-handed, authoritative yet accessible, and he has helped to mentor a large crop of current and future leaders, in Arcona and elsewhere. He is now a much more multi-faceted member.

Cethgus was been an absolute blessing to Clan Arcona, because he could be counted on at all times and in all situations to do his duty and to serve the Clan. There was never any need to pull teeth, send reminder emails, or do any prodding at all. His conflict resolution skills were impeccable during his tenure as Quaestor. Operation: Figureheads was a particular success for him, as he co-ran it from its time as a lifeless idea to a finished product. He was on G+ every chance he got, hanging out with his members and encouraging them to excel. Cethgus was as steady as they come, and he served as one of Arcona’s anchors for years.

Good luck in Naga Sadow, Cethgus -- they’ve gained a tremendous talent, and Arcona has lost one. But because of your work, we know that there are dozens ready to take your place. Congrats!

Legorii Arconae, Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2015-04-15 18:08:59 UTC

I had the honor of serving as Cethgus’ Aedile for the entirety of his most recent term as Galeres’ Quaestor, and I could say many things about him. However, in the interest of being direct, I will say only this: Cethgus is a good man, and great leader, and an even better mentor and friend, and all these things transition into everything he does.

In his last few months as Quaestor, he single-handedly wrote our monthly reports when I was too busy with exams or moving to help. He never once complained about it or belittled me, instead coaching me to do what I could and uphold my Aedile position. He helped co-organize the House Run-On, Operation: Revival, that I wanted to spearhead, giving me the chance at leading it but always having my back if I needed him. Very soon, the busy months of House and Clan Run-On events that Cethgus had a hand in lead into the new year and the Eleventh Great Jedi War.

During the War, Cethgus was standing strong beside me as always, a bastion of confidence and encouragement to our members. He lead with exemplary grace as always, sending no less than four emails - besides replying to many others - to the Clan and the House during Wartime. He encouraged our membership, and, moreover, lent us all his experienced advice for the Gaming portion of the War. One of his emails detailed an update on gaming conduct and practices in Wartime for those of us, like myself, who had never encountered a War, and two more subsequent emails explained each Round’s gaming set-up and rules as well as offering tips and encouragement for the other event listings. He lead by example, advertising when he completed all four events of each round and challenging his members to do the same. He helped put multiple Run-On, Battleplan, and Multimedia teams together and went wherever he was needed to help complete teams. I have no doubt that our House — and therefore Clan — succeeded as it did because of his contributions and his efforts.

Thank you, Cethgus, for all you did for Galeres and for Arcona. You served long, you served loyally, and now that you’ve gone on to help others, I can only be happy in knowing that they’ll get to know you too. Congrats on the Sapphire Blade, brother!

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-04-15 18:09:43 UTC

Though he has now left us for the new scenery of Clan Naga Sadow, Cethgus had easily been one of the easiest people I have worked with during his time as Quaestor of House Galeres. Whilst I was still Rollmaster, he was always on the ball with what Journeyman was where, helping me immensely with making sure that no Galerean was missed out during my audits.

Later on, when I took a new role as Captain of the Soulfire Strike Team, Ceth was always there to help me out when I needed it. The support that he gave during that time was second to none, and underpinned just how good he can be when he puts his mind to it.

Congratulations, Stu. Enjoy this second Sapphire Blade!

Andrelious, Captain of Soulfire Strike Team

, 2015-04-15 18:10:17 UTC