Steel Cross events for Cethgus Tiberius Entar

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Cethgus has become a true Champion of Scholae Palatinae. Will some may misinterpret his actions and words, he has never caused me to doubt his tenacity and dedication to the Clan - where he helps us strive for excellency through activity and participation.

As for personal activity Cethgus stands amongst the most active of Gamers under CSP's banner. He has collected over 100 Clusters of Fire (Gaming Nights, ICTE, SIT), 4 Crescents (Amethyst, Emerald, Topaz & Quartz), Scroll of Indoctrination (Mentorship of Rector).

What makes this member stand out, however, is his ingenuity and will to see something succeed. It was through Cethgus that CSP launched a JA Training Event. The idea worked so well it has no grown into two separate nights (Monday & Friday). Cethgus continues to teach the Monday session - giving the members of the Clan one-on-one mentorship as well as group strategy.

What sort of impact has this had on his Clan? I can attribute the sudden rise in activity throughout the Clan to his ability to create excitement. Thus far he has hosted 8 JA Training Sessions on behalf of the Clan with an average attendance of 4 to 6 members.

Additionally, Cethgus has participated in two separate SITs - 29 matches. Which has helped contribute to CSP's dominance in the SIT (12/10, 12/24, 1/7 & 1/21) in which the Clan played 591 matches.

Thank you for everything, Cethgus.

Braecen Kunar

Braecen Kaeth, 2007-01-21 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine
Primary reason

To whom it may concern;<br> <br> If I were to label my most active and energetic member, it would have to be Cethgus. Cethgus has single handedly helped me to construct a fictional spacestation for the House. This project included upwards of 10 pages of written material, producing graphics, and quite the level of ingenuity. The Best part about working on this project with Cethgus was he was punctual, willing to work, and not afraid to help others. Cethgus made this project extremely easy for me by working his hardest to see it completed. Not only did he complete his share, but he spearheaded the project. People followed his initiative. When Real Life hit some of our members, Cethgus picked up their work and completed it within the set timeframe. In all honesty, I was shocked to see Ceth so involved and ontop of his game. I was even more shocked to see Cethgus complete this project effectively alone. Constant updates about his progress and questions about what was desired made this project run as smooth as a oiled up “Slip n' Slide”. Thank you Cethgus for helping me in the construction of Dynasty Station!<br> <br> Beyond that project, I am extremely proud of Cethgus, who has also shown a large increase in maturity with other clan members. He has worked hard for fun, and has also worked hard where it counts. Cethgus was made BTL of the Souls of Darkness and he is making it extraordinarily hard for me to feel any regrets about doing so. He has reported regularly and twice as often as I required. Cethgus has welcomed the newest members to his team in a punctual manner and is extremely friendly. Cethgus has been working on communication with me and his team at a voracious rate. Ceth has evolved from an annoying little Journeyman into an annoying but extremely helpful Equite! :P<br> <br> Above that, Cethgus is always active in gaming and competitions. He has a near perfect record in the CSP Summer Games and has even made it to be a SET All-star! Cethgus also pioneered and participates regularly in the CSP JA Training sessions. His name is always cluttering my inbox and I can't say that I mind it.<br> <br> It is hard for a Quaestor to argue with the status of the house when members like Cethgus are involved in the operations of the house. Cethgus, Excellent work. The Least I can do is to reward you for all your extremely hard work! Congratulations.<br> <br> -SBM Thran Occasus

Emperor Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2007-06-06 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

Medal Request: Steel Cross Exarch Cethgus Kuga (6705)

Cethgus served tenaciously during my tenure as the Consul of Clan Plagueis. And today, I look to honor him for the work he did after my era - during his reign as Quaestor of House Exar Kun. Though he departed both his position and Clan Plagueis, he still serves as a role model and active Equite to this day.

Since his last elevation, Cethgus has collected a Legion of the Scholar, a Pendant of Blood, three (3) crescents (Cr-E, Cr-S, Cr-A), and one hundred and thirty three (133) Clusters of Fire. His constant activity provided an excellent behavior for his member's to follow and helped in the development of the House's future leaders: Octavia and Ood.

As the Quaestor, he also prepared Ood for eventual Quaestor-ship (whom is now PCON) and Octavia for her role as Aedile. He pushed them to provide reports - four of which he did himself - and run competitions (he ran one, facilitated the rest). His three months as Quaestor were not wasted. He landed the expectation of activity and presented himself as role model, as well. And what is a Steel Cross awarded for, if not for demonstrating the behaviors we hope others will, one day, possess? Congratulations, Cethgus.

Braecen Kaeth Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Braecen Kaeth, 2009-10-21 07:48:22 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Kir Taldrya Katarn
Primary reason

For demonstrating amazing commitment to the Brotherhood and it's members. Cethgus went above and beyond the duty expected of any member of the Brotherhood in assisting another member in their time of need. Under no obligation to do so, Cethgus displayed maturity and compassion in a situation that many simply would have avoided. Thank you, Cethgus. -Justicar Kir Katarn

Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2010-03-23 12:57:29 UTC