Grand Cross events for Baron Zarco

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Primary reason

Destined to become a strong brotherhood leader if he so chooses, Zarco led his battleteam through the GJW by example – entering every event he was able to, and encouraging those under his command to do the same. The codex specifies that ‘Only the most active and dedicated members are given this medal as a reward for their talent.’ This describes Zarco perfectly. ~Alanna<br> <br> <br> Zarco’s GJW participation was amazing. He participated in 11 events earning Taldryan 527 points! He place 37th overall and helped the clan to victory. At one point he emailed us and apologized for people not playing him in the ACC portions. This actually made me smile, because it told me he was truly in this for the clan. He has done a great job with the Horsemen of the Apocalypse phyle. He truly cares about all his members, and takes care of them and makes sure they work hard. Baron Zarco is one of Ektrosis’ great upcoming members; I know he is going to do something great in the clan. You truly deserve this Grand Cross! Congratulations!<br> <br> QUA Chaosrain<br> <br> <br> Chaos said it best, Baron was amazing. What made it best for me was Baron showed in all the major events we needed the help such as the ACC events and the RPG creation. Without his help we would not have won this War and that’s saying something. For his devotion to the Clan and hard work Baron definitely deserves this. Congrats!<br> <br> For Taldryan,<br> <br> Obelisk Exarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso<br> Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan<br> Planetary Viceroy of Karufr

Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2006-09-03 22:00:00 UTC