Dark Cross events for Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
[CP] Murder Mystery League Mini's
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

For being the only submission to ArawnÂ’s Plagueis Murder Mystery league and for putting in an extreme level of work (4 rewrites and drafts) on a piece of fiction over an extended period. This Dark Cross is awarded on behalf of Arawn Lugh Entar. Congratulations.

Syn Kaek, 2006-03-28 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Marcus Armani
Primary reason

Over the past 11 weeks, Rannik has been my prized member of Battle Team Keto's Vengeance. Always looking for a way to better the team, the house, and the clan at whole, he provides a great source of leadership for his fellow members. He inspires them to get out there and participate in almost everything. He is on IRC almost everyday, waiting to recieve minor orders from me and the HSK summits. Not to mention all of this, but he has also helped contact a few members for me. This Dark Cross symbolizes only but about a fourth of my gratitude towards Rannik.

Marcus Armani, 2006-05-16 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

PRT Narius has been a whirlwind of general activity in the past month. Being awarded a total of 24 CFs in the past month for his MP work. This member has participated in competitions when present including the Clan Run-on for the GJW. He also became the Commander of one of the Houses Battleteams, and is striving to bring his members activity up. Warhammer while not experienced in command duties has made up for this with his ability to do what is asked of him and more. This member makes up for his times of inactivity with his large amount of work done during the times he is able. As such I reccomend him for a Dark Cross.<br> QUA/SBM Daniel Stephens<br>

General Daniel Stephens, 2006-07-08 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Participation in five events during the Great Jedi War. This shows great representation for Clan Plagueis ~ PCON Aabs

Zanet Xox, 2006-09-03 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Primary reason

Rannik served Archanis as Commander of Shadowmorph Squadron for the two months before being forced to step down due to time constraints. When it became apparent to him that he wouldn't be able to keep up the amount of activity required of a Taldryan leader he made the very wise choice to step down before his inactivity was able to hurt his Battle Team. Although he was busy with school and other activities, Rannik still managed a few posts in the GJW 7 Run-on. This Dark Cross is in appreciation of both Rannik's work as BTL of Shadowmorph from 6/16 to 8/19 and his efforts in GJW 7. <br> <br> Battlelord Andan Taldrya Marshall, Quaestor of House Archanis and Son of Taldryan<br> <br> Congrats on your well earned reward in service to Taldryan during the Seventh Great Jedi War. Thanks for the awesome work!<br> <br> For Taldryan,<br> <br> Obelisk Primarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso<br> Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan<br> Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System

Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2007-09-01 22:00:00 UTC