Steel Cross events for Tsingtao Ming

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Derev Niroth
Primary reason

Tsingtao Ming scored 1113 points in the Clan Naga Sadow House Feud "Battle for Inos", which was 9.7% of the total points awarded in the House Feud. He also participated in 16 of the 19 events, and came in 4th overall in the House Feud. For his amazing effort in the Battle for Inos, I'm pleased to award him the Steel Cross.

On Behalf of the Clan Naga Sadow Leadership, Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Derev Niroth, 2008-10-22 12:55:51 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Tsingtao Ming served as Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan from December 4th, 2011 to March 13th, 2012, for a total of three months and ten days. House Shar Dakhan is a relatively new House. Because it had only one Quaestor prior to Tsingtao, he had a lot of work on his plate, including developing the House’s fictional lore and fitting it into it’s niche in the Clan. Furthermore, Tsingtao still had the usual Quaestor duties to perform and kept up with them as well.

One of the main issues the Clan faced during Tsingtao’s time as Quaestor was our fictional identity and goals. We had a lot of discussion on this and Tsingtao was always there to offer his view and opinion. He was very helpful in helping us decide on one path. In addition, Tsingtao organized data for the Clan and House Shar Dakhan in relation to this project, making it much easier for us to proceed. Thanks to Tsingtao, House Shar Dakhan’s fictional identity improved and began to unfold.

Another major thing Tsingtao helped with was the awarding and recognition of other members. He always participated in Summit discussions on who should be awarded and for what reasons. Tsingtao offered sound recommendations. Furthermore, he recognized his members for their contributions, making sure that no one went unrecognized for their accomplishments. For instance, when Waldron Ravenblade created an image for the House’s headquarters, Tsingtao gave the Journeyman public recognition for doing so.

Not content to merely lead from his position, Tsingtao was also an active member. He received Clusters of Fire and Ice during his time as Quaestor, as well as a Crescent. He also spent a lot of time playing The Old Republic, participating with our guild. Tsingtao showed his members how to be active even while leading them, participating in different kinds of activities and thus being visible to the maximum number of his members.

Though real life has overtaken Tsingtao’s time for the Brotherhood and he has had to retire to the Rogues for the moment, he deserves recognition for his service. Tsingtao, thank you for the work you have done, we have not forgotten. For these reasons, I would like to award Tsingtao Ming a Steel Cross for his service to House and Clan. Congrats, Tsingtao!

  • KP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Tsingtao Ming deserves commendation for his outstanding, if short lived work as Quaestor. When I took over CNS House Shar Dakhan's QUA had to step down due to RL. It took us some time to get things in order. Tsingtao eventually applied for, and go the position. In his time, he made sure members were awarded, wrote reccomendations, and furthered our Clan developmental projects like the Clan Duties document. He developed the current HSD fictional document and goals. He was also active, earning CoF's, CoI's, and a Crescent. He also played ToR and guided persons in that game to some degree. Although his time of service was not overly long due to RL in that time he excelled and did everything we asked of him and more. For his hard work and dedication he deserves to be commended.

-SWL Macron Goura Sadow, Consul Emeritus

As one of the first Quaestors of the new House Shar Dakhan, Tsingtao returned from House Revan to accept what was never going to be an easy task. However, Tsingtao stepped up to the plate last December, and during his time in office he very quickly helped to nurture an identity for the new Dakhani. Much like the Quaestors who developed their Houses in the first days after the Exodus nine years ago, Tsing has worked together with Macron and Locke to develop the role of Shar Dakhan as the, to use an analogy from TOR, Sith Warriors of the Clan, as contrasted with the Sith Inquisitors of House Marka Ragnos, which is something that his successor, Atra, is now looking to develop even further.

Further, on top of the work Tsing does "behind the scenes" as Quaestor, he has also been an active member in his own right, accumulating numerous Clusters of Ice as well as Fire, showing that he is not just a good administrator, but also a leader who leads by his own example, going out there, showing those who follow his lead what the Dark Brotherhood is about. While life may have called Tsing away from the hot seat, he has helped lay the foundation for what I hope will be a glorious future for the new house, and for that I extend my congratulations to him on this award.

Dark Prophet Darth Vexatus, Son of Sadow

Although I didn’t have much time to get to know Tsingtao on a personal level it was great to have worked along side of him. Even though he served for a little over 3 months Tsingtao did a lot for his House and the clan as a whole. He was very helpful to the clan summit by assisting them with awarding members, adding valued suggestions to Clan Discussions and helping build the current fictional goals of the clan. He was very good at tracking his members and did his best to provide his house with activities. I think that his level of service to the house, activeness as a leader and dedication to the clan merits a Steel Cross for Tsingtao. Congrats!

~ SBL Jeric Cyrin, Quaestor of HMR

Darth Aeternus, 2012-04-30 20:41:34 UTC