Steel Cross events for Dax Corrin

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Dax has been a very active member in the Great Jedi War by participating in a total of seven Great Jedi War Events. He's also been a very active member in competitions, completing Shadow Academy courses, as well as being there as a member at almost all times. He's a great guy, and I'm proud to have him in Clan Plaguies ~ PCON Aabs<br> <br> **<br> <br> Though I don't know Dax as well as I would like, one only need look at his contributions during the GJW to see that he is a leader by example and a member to be recognized. During the war he quietly worked his way to the top of the rankings with little fanfare. He performed at the highest levels, yet never sought accolade nor gratitude. Dax does what he enjoys and is obviously among the best the DJB has to offer. ~ Raken<br> <br> **<br> <br> Dax, a man of so little words but his actions during the GJW has said enough! Day after day he pounded out GJW submissions for the gaming world and almost blew up my inbox from it, he showed tons of activity and loyalty to his clan and may he continue to serve his Clan/House for as long as he can. Congrats Dax! <br> <br> HSK/QUA OP Silent

Zanet Xox, 2006-09-05 22:00:00 UTC