Sapphire Blade events for Lord Dacien Victae

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Bubba... err... Dacien... is awesome. In the eight-odd months he has worked as Praetor to the Headmaster, he has yet to receive a formal award for all his work, and I'm proud to change that. His ideas and opinions are always welcomed and encouraged, and his coding experience keeps the Shadow Academy running. Whenever my limited coding knowledge screws something up, he fixes it, and without him the SA website would undoubtedly run a lot worse. Along with the almost constant coding he does on the website, he has also coded around half a dozen new courses practically by himself (although I do volunteer to help), processes character histories (that in itself takes its toll), work with Orv to make the better course listing menu, and is an indispensible moral compass. Bubba is my second brain, and I love working and collaborating with him. ~ Headmaster Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar

Dacien (Bubba) was an excellent addition to the SA staff. His coding skills are top rate and he was a big help in getting new courses up and running. He's always providing feedback on ideas, as well as presenting his own. When he came into the praetor job, he came in with his own ideas for the Shadow Academy, but was also willing to get involved with the current projects. Perhaps his biggest accomplishment was laying out the current degree system, which is something that I had kept putting off. ~ Dark Jedi Master Anshar Kahn Tarentae

Zanet Xox, 2008-03-11 17:33:24 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Primary reason

Dacien, Aedile of House Plagueis, and critical component to the very foundation of the Team Plagueis. It is with great honor that I recommend him for a Sapphire Blade, a recommendation that I do not take lightly and have given careful consideration. When looking at the awarding of a sacramental I look at three distinct areas of participation/contribution/impact on a personal, house, and DJB level. It is to Dacien’s hard work and dedication to these three areas to which I will speak.

After the tumultuous events that transpired during the second to last round of the Dark Crusade Dacien rose from the ranks to assume the mantle of leadership as the Aedile of House Plagueis. I could never truly articulate that he was the right man for the right job at the right time. House Plagueis needed a competent and capable leader who had the historical expertise and drive to propel the House through this time of crisis. Dacien raised his hand with complete understanding of the complexities of the situation and committed to giving a 100% of his time and effort to the cause. Preventing what many hypothesized would be the further degradation of House Plagueis. To complicate matters, as a veteran member of the DJB he was paired with a relative rookie to the organization to lead this effort.

With the odds seemingly stacked against the House and the new leadership Dacien led by example from day one. He immediately posted a report highlighting his intentions and expectations and from that point never looked back. Almost daily interaction on the Google Groups and IRC Dacien was a recruitment and mentorship powerhouse. He clearly understood the intent and guidance from higher and executed flawlessly. His contributions can be directly reflected in when looking at flow of members into the House. Following the aforementioned events 16 members left House Plagueis either through transfer or AWOL status. Following Dacien’s impressive recruitment efforts 15 active members transitioned in to House Plagueis. 15 active members who were and integral part of the stunning 2.93 participation ration that Plagueis earned the final round of the Dark Crusade. Furthermore, in the midst of numerous leadership initiatives Dacien completed 7 Crusade events, earning a Gold Nova in the final round when the team needed him the most. In addition, Dacien initiated, processed, and tracked, through approval, 9 Battlefield promotions and a combination of 11 merit/sacramental medals. To that end, Dacien is more than deserving.

However, recruitment alone, although impressive, is only the start. Dacien was a constant mentor to members both new and old. Always available to answer questions and address concerns, Dacien was a staple to the Google Group, sending timely and accurate responses on a near daily basis. This was a quality and accomplishment that I can state directly impacted and assisted the members of House Plagueis. Members were never left wondering what if he did not know the example he exhausted his resources to garner that answer. I have heard numerous accolades from the members of the House trumpeting the approachability and reliability when dealing with Dacien. In an all volunteer club, where numerous members are in different time zones and drastically differing real life constraints to have a staple of reliability and expertise is priceless. To that end, Dacien is more than deserving.

More so, Dacien was able to transition the integral support he provided into a motivational resolve that was contagious. He was a ever present voice of a can do attitude from participation to support at all levels. There was never a question if Dacien believed that House Plagueis would win the Dark Crusade, his every action reflected it. Every email, every update, and every message on IRC his expectations were clear. As a team, doing it the right way, driven by a spirit of healthy competition we would win the Dark Crusade. His brazen dedication the cause caught on quickly and the House Plagueis of old was reborn, stronger and with a Warrior’s resolve to the cause. To that end, Dacien is more than deserving.

When you view the performance of Dacien through the lens of DJB wide contribution his impact is readily apparent. At the end of the day a shared love of star wars, camaraderie, and healthy competition brought us to the DJB. That is in fact, the strength of the organization. Dacien understands this and executes his duty accordingly. Above the politics, he would just as readily reach out to or assist members of another House/Clan as he would his own in an effort to build the depth of the DJB team as a whole. In addition, Dacien was instrumental in the creation of a new House Plagueis website, ultimately constructing a helpful venue for not just our immediate members but prospective members to the organization. This effort is directly in line with recent/ongoing initiatives DJB wide for recruitment and advertising to build the team. To this end, Dacien is more than deserving

As Quaestor of House Plagueis I can without a doubt state the success of the House is a direct reflection of the selfless service and relentless effort of Dacien. He is a humble servant to each and every member and attributes all of his success, rightly so, to their efforts. However, a strong guiding hand during a time of need was just what House Plagueis needed. The right guy, for the right job, at the right time. To that end, Dacien is more than deserving of a Sapphire Blade. It is with great honor that I wholeheartedly make this recommendation and stand side by side with him in service of House Plagueis. Congratulations Dacien, I could not ask for a more competent, capable battle buddy and friend.

Montresor, 2013-12-02 19:03:30 UTC