Dark Cross events for Dock Alfar

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Spears Tarentae
Primary reason

My Apprentice has gone thru his opening ordeals, testing his metal on the field of battle seeking only to improve his skills. He has shown his skill and guile with the both the pen and the sword. His actions of late have earned him both honor and glory in these dark days. For his actions aside from this current conflict I hereby award my Apprentice Dock Alfar with a Dark Cross for his actions. <br> <br> -- <br> His most Gracious Lordship, Spears Tarentae<br> Former Consul of Tarentum<br> Headmaster Emeritus<br> Knight First Class<br> Master of The Cabal<br> Mastersmith of the Sith Order<br> Master Architect for the Brotherhood<br> Thrice Marked of the Wanderer<br> Baron Ale Pond: Keeper of the Estadian Expanse

Spears Tarentae, 2006-08-14 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Sage Lontra Boglach
Primary reason

For some time now Dock has been doing the grunt work as a Tarenti with few reward. For the past year he has actively been involved in House Tridens and Clan Tarentum by participating in competitions ranging from BT level (and earning himself several rewards) all the way to the previous GJW. He's been involved in House level competitions, sometimes being the only participant, and in Clan competitions like the recent Settling home competition helping Tridens earn the right to proudly say we've had the most participation in it. Aside from his competition participation, Dock has also served as a former BTL last Sept-Oct and served as my A. Envoy shortly after that until I stepped up to QUA. Likewise, even though he's held no official position in the past month or two; he's been involved in House projects most importantly being the Recruitment project with Sephiroth requiring the emailing of dozens of rogue jedi hoping to pull at least someone from the realm of inactivity back into a welcoming Clan. Recently, Dock has also began his trials to knighthood finally after earning the right a half dozen times over and before he completes them I would like to officially award him the medal of Dark Cross to show that his efforts to reach DJK were way more than necessary and as a thank you for the activities he's performed to get here. Congrats Dock, and thank you for the example you've given to your fellow House- and clans- men.

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2008-04-11 07:06:50 UTC