Anteian Cross events for Kairus

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Medal Restoration as shown on previous dossier - MAA Kaek

, 2006-04-14 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Sildrin Lyonsbane
Primary reason

Guardian Kairus submitted not only 2 fictions and one images for the recent feud, he also some games and earned all in all 94 points for Clan Naga Sadow. With this high amount of activities he managed to get to the 8th place in the list of Naga Sadow points. For these activities, we decided to give him a Star of Antei.<br><br> Sorry for the lateness of this medal, but the conclave agreed to hand out these well deserved awards.<br><br> Well done Kairus! Congratulations!<br><br> KAP Xia Long, Sildrin Sadow

Sildrin Lyonsbane, 2006-06-19 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Kairus has consistently been pretty active lately, participating in a lot of club-wide competitions where others rarely did, but this particular recommendation mainly concerns the feud, the Race for San Korinar. In this feud, Kairus was one of the most active members of his Battleteam, Dakhani Solutions. As a result of his efforts, among others, the team was able to "win" the second week of the event. In addition to participating in and winning many of the competitions, Kairus was also pretty active in the Runon, where he helped move his team's story along. For this, I'd like to recommend that Kairus be awarded an Anteian Cross! Congratulations, Kairus!

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2014-05-16 17:22:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Primary reason

Kairus has always been one of the active and impressive members of our House, and his recent efforts are no exception. Since his last award in June, he has participated in 14 general competitions, earning himself six Emerald and one Amethyst Crescent in the process. He has also earnt two Scrolls of Indoctrination and 95 Clusters of Fire. He has also participated in round three of the Fading Light Vendetta, completing 3 of 5 events. For this excellent example of activity across a variety of competitions, I am awarding him an Anteian Cross. Congratulations, Kairus!

Mandalorian Darcy Avarik, 2014-11-26 23:21:50 UTC