Grand Cross events for Kairus

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Malik Sadow
Primary reason

This Grand Cross of the Dark Side is long overdue and I apologize for that Kairus.

During the first phase of the Dark Crusade Kairus participated in no less than 16 of the 17 events possible, which was more than anyone else in Clan Naga Sadow. Of those events he managed to earn a third place in two of them.

On top of this he was also Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan at the time so he was truly leading by example.

As an overdue thank you for his time as Quaestor and for his participation in the first phase of the Dark Crusade I would like to reward Kairus with this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations Kairus!

Master Malik Sadow, 2014-01-20 02:31:36 UTC
Additional reasons

So it's been awhile since I've been really active, but when I was Consul, I knew I could depend on Kairus. Reliable and steadfast, Kairus managed House Shar Dakhan well. He was a good participant in Summit discussions and I greatly appreciated that he did not just sit there and keep the seat warm. Without his insight, I would have been left with far fewer ideas and options.

Then, Kairus demonstrated a keen attention to the Dark Crusade, showing the his House and the Clan how it was done. He completed sixteen out of seventeen of the competitions in Phase I, which is no small feat. This was another reason I was proud to have Kairus around: there's no member better than an active Summit member who leads their House and Clan both in administration and on the battlefield.

Thanks again, Kairus! Good work!

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2014-01-20 02:00:28 UTC