Steel Cross events for Kairus

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Medal Restoration as shown on previous dossier - MAA Kaek

, 2006-04-14 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Kairus is a little newer than some of our other members, but nevertheless someone I am very happy to have in Naga Sadow and on our Summit. In our post-Horizons feud, Chasing Horizons, Kairus entered four events. These include the week 1 gaming competition of Alien Swarm, the week 1 flash game, the week 1 graphics, and the week 2 flash game. Kairus has also done a great job as Quaestor so far. He is always an active participant of Summit discussions and quick to offer his insight into our various projects. He also encourages his House a lot and is always enthusiastic. It is my pleasure to recommend this award for Kairus! Congrats!

  • KAP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Kairus managed to participate in both weeks of Chasing Horizons, putting forth impressive scores with each attempt. At the same time, he continues to work in his capacity as Quaestor for Shar Dakhan, driving activity and handling tasks as they come. Never has he received a complaint nor has he had reason for fault. Always willing to improve and responding to all challenges he perceives, I feel Kairus deserves merit fitting of his actions, both in his role and as a member.

-- OP Atra Ventus, Proconsul of Naga Sadow

As Quaestor of Shar Dakhan, Kairus has been busy ensuring that his members have been active throughout the recent Chasing Horizons feud and that they never have any outstanding issues. He worked hard during the recent AWOL to ensure that as many of his members as possible responded and has been a supportive voice amongst the Summit during recent discussions. During the feud itself, Kairus was able to participate very well and placed well to lead by example.

For his hard work in the name of Sadow, I lend my voice in support of this award for Kairus.

Exarch Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart Consul Emeritus, Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2013-01-10 21:55:49 UTC