Dark Cross events for DarkAmiz

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

DarkAmiz undertook a great project with the House Envoy, Alanna Taldrya, to compile a Dictionary of Acronyms for the younger members. They began and completed half their work before discovering something similar on the DJB Wiki. Alanna and the House Summit of Ektrosis believe that his hard work should not go unrewarded. So for his efforts, it is my pleasure to award Jedi Hunter DarkAmiz a Dark Cross!

Great Work Amiz, keep it up!

~AED Vodo Biask on behalf of QUA Hel-Pa Sklib and ENVY Alanna Taldrya

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2007-11-12 17:23:31 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

Dark Jedi Knight DarkAmiz (#7557), better known as Amiz, has shown us a spectacular amount of activity this past month. In February, Amiz entered into four competitions and placed in all four! In addition to his general activity, Amiz had a strong IRC presence as well as regular communications through Email to his House Summit as well, and participated in some MP Gaming, earning a single Cluster of Fire. He all contributed two items to the Taldryan Newsletter, the Taldryan Times, something that is not often seen in an average member. The most amazing part of this level of activity is that he accomplished it in the first two weeks of the month alone, before he went off to Boarding School IRL! The Quaestor and I are amazed that a single member can accomplish all this in such a small period of time, and we appreciate that he is such a shining example to the younger members of what true activity means. For his outstanding activity, it is my Great Honor to award this Dark Cross to DarkAmiz!

Congratulations Amiz!

~AED Vodo Biask

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2008-03-04 19:55:51 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Sage Lontra Boglach
Primary reason

For service in the name of Tarentum and the Sith King during the 9th GJW, I hereby recommend the Dark Cross for DarkAmiz participation in the Tarentum war effort. Competing in the gaming events as well as the poetry, DarkAmiz was one of the few in Tarentum to participate towards the the gaming effort- matching the contributions of the rest of the gamers from Tridens with 15 matches. As a thanks and a motivation to keep up the good work, I'd like to award him the Dark Cross.

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2009-05-12 13:22:14 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

It has been a long time since I saw the name Amiz pop up on a competition entry email, and seeing it be for Taldryan’s name in this Rite of Supremacy put a large smile on my face. Through the course of the war, Amiz could be found on IRC in his Clan and House channel as well as communicating via the Taldryan email accounts showing his dedication towards the Clan. The real effort though, was in his participation. In the first week Amiz shook off some rust from the Rogues and put his foot towards Fiction. The following 3rd week against Clan Arcona, he went and battled it out in the ACC with a solid 1 win out of 3. Congrats on your Dark Cross Amiz, you deserve it. -Quaestor Shaz’air Taldrya Rathden Templar of Ektrosis, Clan Taldryan

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2010-02-15 22:05:56 UTC