Anteian Cross events for Master Zsarion Bloodfyre

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Second Place in House Competition - Kartena

, 2000-09-30 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

First place in Krath Event II of Clan Competition: Chronicles of the Mist.

, 2002-01-24 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For being extremely helpful to the CoG office for quite some time. Recently, he has not only managed to get X into #gmrg, but has also taken the time to write up the DSC entry for the GMRG/Guild. This award is a thankyou for all of his hard work and dedication to the GMRG and myself.

, 2003-11-22 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

BF stood in as the Competition administrator during my LoA. He did an excellent job filling in my shoes.


, 2003-12-20 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

For representing Clan Tarentum with 23 submissions in the Fourth Chapter of the Fifth Great Jedi War.

, 2004-10-11 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Welshman Tarentae
Primary reason

For leading one of Tarentum's houses in the recent GJW and being a large contributor to the Clan Run On. Tthank you for your work :)<br> <br> Welsh

Welshman Tarentae, 2006-09-05 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Sato Tarentae
Primary reason

Unlike many Elders and Equites who go into a semi-permanent catatonic state, Bloodfyre remains an energetic and vital member of House Cestus. Over the past months, the Summit sought BF's input on a variety of issues, from the formation of the Battle Team, to member recruitment. In every instance, he has given timely and sage advice, despite a RL schedule which leaves him little free time. Further, for the past 2 months, it has been his force of personality and will which has helped to bind his Battle Team together.

Bloodfyre is the unsung hero of Cestus, and his friendly, affable demeanour relects why he is indeed a Master.

-Given on behalf of a grateful Summit.

Sato Tarentae, 2008-06-06 07:58:39 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

For performing admirably in the Week 1 fiction event and earning a Bronze Nova for the Week 2-3 fiction event, I award Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae an Anteian Cross.

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2010-10-25 19:38:16 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Scion Tarentae
Primary reason

Beef has been working hard for the past several months in TOR. He is constantly encouraging members to play, organizing group events, crafting equipment, and handing out cash in the game. He also took on Lockthesith, one of our TOR-only members, as an apprentice. He has done all of this without me having to suggest or ask him to do it, out of the goodness of his heart. I am grateful for all his many efforts in TOR particularly since I don't play, and I would like him to have this small token of my appreciation.

Scion Tarentae, 2013-09-09 03:33:41 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lontra Boglach
Primary reason

It's hard to think of Tarentum without thinking of Sith Bloodfyre. One could focus on the history he's created for the Clan with his constant involvement in its fiction. You could also look at his dedication from all the positions he's held and the impact he's had in them. However, these aren't the reasons that comes to mind when thinking of Tarentum today - and that's because of his consistent activity, his constant cheerleading, his guidance and support, and the river of idea that flows from him for change in Tarentum. For just over three months now I have been Consul of Tarentum, and not a day has gone by without Bloodfyre's name making its way into my inbox in some way. Over the course of the last three months he's completed two Dark Pundit, two Dark Mavens, two Dark Savants, and 1 Dark Sage; all of this through the completion of 14 Journeymen Courses and 26 Shadow Academy courses. Additionally, he's participated in 6 competitions, earning placements in two of them, and be a supporting character on TOR for our membership by providing guidance and support without recognition for himself; whether its been helping coordinator raids and world bosses or simply helping new members get started by explaining the game to them. This is typical of Beef and why I wish to award him today; he's Tarentum's biggest cheerleader and he never let's up. Whether its opening dialogue on the mailing list (as he was recognized by Sarin for before, and since has continued to do), or on IRC, and mostly importantly on Telegram where Beef is the first person to make sure a new Tarenti gets added and then feels welcomed on the channel. This is the same across platforms Tarentum is involved in; whether its the SA and him encouraging others (even Equites and fellow Elders) to do coursework, promoting competitions and gaming on the telegram channel, or getting involved in other activities like positions, wiki work, or anything that comes up really. He inspires spirituality and community for Tarentum through his cheerleading and it's part of the success we've had to date in removing ourselves from probation status. This alone is what I hoped to award Beef for but then that dismisses the support and guidance he's provided the Clan Summit over the past three months, through his insights and ideas and the many discussions he's started with us. He's even gone above and beyond by being the one to present other's ideas who have been too nervous or unsure, and he desires to see everyone else recognized for their efforts without taking any for himself. Finally, Bloodfyre is one of two members who is directly responsible for the rise in Tarentum's membership numbers and it was Beef that lead the charge in recruiting veteran members. Tarentum is better today directly because of Bloodfyre's efforts, and it would be a shame not to award the example he provides to every other member of Tarenti. Thank you Bloodfyre, for your support, encouragement, efforts, and dedication.

Lontra Boglach, 2015-06-10 14:39:04 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Warlord Hades
Primary reason

Master Sith Bloodfyre (now going by Zsarion), was an influential member of House Marka Ragnos during this most recent Great Jedi War. Sith earned 14 Seals of Vision for himself as well as placing in the top ten three times (9, 7, 6). He was also a great asset to the house and clan during the war, offering to proofread posts and fiction entries. He was always on Telegram encouraging members to participate and keeping the war effort alive. Sith has personally helped me as AED as I bounce ideas off of him for house projects as well as coming up with a very interesting idea for our Night Hawk battle team that I would like to see implemented in the near future. Master Bloodfyre is an amazing member who is dedicated to this house and is deserving of recognition for his efforts during this war.

Warlord Hades, 2020-08-14 07:41:49 UTC
Additional reasons

Master Zsarion Bloodfyre is a asset to any Clan, and I am honored he is a Sadow. He is a staunch advocate and active practitioner of our members mentorship. The Elder counsels not only me with sage advice, but anyone he comes in contact with. Master Bloodfyre is a giant literary powerhouse addition to the Clan. He has set the bar high since becoming a Sadowan, and is a continual voice of positivity. The Elder consistently setting an example for others to follow, exemplary of a highly respected Elder. Master Bloodfyre is more than worthy of this distinguished award!

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2020-08-08 22:58:26 UTC

Oh Zsarion, Sith, Beef, Bloodfyre...whatever name you choose to call him by, Master Zsarion Bloodfyre has been a solid addition to Clan Naga Sadow since he joined us at the end of last year. This hasn't changed since the Steel Cross that he earned back in March. The better chunk of his activity- ie all but two of the comps. More than just providing his fun sense of humor, Zsarion has also offered some ideas on how we might strengthen particular elements of Clan activity in what I would call both a humble and a helpful manner. It feels like there is no need for pretext or guise in what Sith/Zsarion/Beef does. The other ways he has supported the Clan, coupled with the example in Hades' or Darkhawk's supporting recommendations, leave me feeling that this small token of appreciation is among the least that we can do for Zsarion Bloodfyre.


Bentre Sadow


Master Bentre Stahoes, 2020-08-12 07:36:56 UTC