Grand Cross events for Archangel Palpatine

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Archangel continually shows why he is deserving of his leadership position in HSP. He knows what needs to be done and delivers. With out his presence I know that HSP would be in a much worse position than it currently it. Thanks to Arch’s dedication and hard work HSP has begun to once again shine. This becomes very clear when we look at the GJW.

Over the course of the tenth Great Jedi War Archangel participated in an amazing 28 events, the second highest amount of submissions in Scholae Palatinae. As a leader he clearly led by example illustrating what members are capable of.

His leadership didn’t end by just being a great example he was a crucial player in securing HSP 3rd place in the war. This was done by being the team leader on all four weeks worth of wiki submissions. His past experience being a member of the wiki staff paid off with him being the person who totally mastered wikipedia coding. He organized each week’s submission and divided out the work load to those who wanted to help out. With out him HSP’s wikipedia articles would have have suffered greatly.

Arch emboddied what a leader needs to be during a vendetta. His example and leadership helped secure HSP 3rd place. I am truly grateful for his tremendous efforts.Thanks for everything Arch and congratulations!

Xen’Mordin Vismorsus

Darth Aeternus, 2011-11-13 12:49:19 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

Rayne and Arch ran our Teamspeak server from their home computer over the last 5 months. They took on this responsibility back in June/July without being asked. On their own initiative they figured out how to host a Teamspeak server and never looked back! Please accept this small token of my appreciation, and thank you for your dedication!

Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2013-11-26 01:56:40 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Windos
Primary reason

Archangel is a beast in his role(s) as both the Professor of Flight Studies AND the Professor of Combat Studies. On top of all of his other positions and responsibilities in the club, Archangel manages THE collective business groups of courses the Shadow Academy Offers.

Over the last six months, Archangel has graded 168 courses. Often times he'll come online to find five or more courses waiting to be graded, and he takes it in his stride to grade them all in one sitting, getting results out in a very timely manner.

Arch, thanks for your continued service to the Academy and the members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood!

Master Windos, 2013-12-04 20:23:44 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason


Archangel has been a welcome addition to Scholae Palatinae's summit. He's eager to engage and share his experience. He's been engaging with his house and has maintained a healthy relationship with everyone in his move from individual clan member to leader.



  • 49 Competitions participated in


  • 2 PvE activities
  • 2 Fiction activities
  • 1,368 words written

Shadow Academy:

  • 1 course passed


  • 8 Crescents
  • 68 Clusters
  • 1 Legion of Scholar

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2022-01-03 17:07:00 UTC
Additional reasons

I want to expand on Kamjin's remarks about the value Archangel has brought to the CSP Summit and their overall leadership presence since their last recognition. Because the long and short of it is that Archangel exemplifies the ideal Equite in this club, and the ideal Summit member through their dedication to consistency of activity, positive engagement with the Clan and club membership, and proactive contributions to the Clan administration. In everything Archangel does, he provides an infectious enthusiasm and diligent approach which rubs off on fellow Clan members, myself included. I and many others look up to Archangel as a veteran member and mentor in this club, and strive to match their own excellence.

I am so happy to see Arch being recognized for his service, and I know there are so many more great things to come. Congratulations!

Raleien Sonavarret, 2022-01-03 16:51:55 UTC