Sapphire Blade events for Occultan Iacul

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Seer A'lora Kituri
Primary reason

Mako Henymory, Quaestor of House Satele Shan and Magistrate to the Fist continues to impress his summit. Since his last elevation and merit award, Mako’s qualities as a leader have kept House Satele Shan stable and alive through the thick transition of “blowing up a planet, and all the lore connected to it.” In doing this, we needed someone able to work with their house-level leadership to create a new planet on which to settle. Having wanted to do this for a long time, Mako was more than willing and has just recently been given tentative approval on his chosen world (pending final glances.) Comprised of a team-written document of several pages, it not only shows his own efforts, but his skills in managing a project, as well. His resourcefulness as a leader also extends to the usual duties of someone in charge of running a house, having organized near 30 competitions and written five reports since his last award or promotion, and a Seal of Loyalty, which also encompasses his contributions as a member.

As a member, Mako has earned two crescents with ruby stars, two crescents with amethyst stars, three crescents with sapphire stars, two crescents with emerald stars, 499 clusters of fire, 12 clusters of ice and 32 clusters of earth through participation in 65 individual competitions. He has also begun to prove his merit as an ACC combatant, having challenged the Herald themselves in combat.

Moreover, Mako has recently collaborated with Arcia Cortel to release a new event without the assistance of myself or Turel. This would be the first time that a House vs House event has been attempted in our Clan, and given that it includes all of Odan-Urr, it is also Mako's first Clan-wide event. Upholding the standards set by Odan-Urr's past events as some of the best in the club, Mako has followed the usual format exceptionally, while adding his own alterations to allow for competitive tournament between Houses. Comprised of eight sub-competitions with a fictional component, the still-running Battle Formations has more than proven Mako's capabilities to go above the expected scale of a Quaestor within a Clan.

Rebuilding an entire five or so years’ worth of effort is hard—extraordinarily so, and something that hasn’t really happened with a Clan in Brotherhood history. Working alongside Mako on this, I can vouch for just how much time is needed to dedicate to it—amounting to about the same amount of effort as it takes to build a Clan from the proposal stage. For his continued service, I believe Mako has earned another merit award for the cabinet. Congratulations!

Seer A'lora Kituri, 2016-08-20 07:23:01 UTC
Additional reasons

Since becoming Shan's Aedile in February, I've had a front-row seat for Mako's influence over the House and COU in general. I think A'lora aptly covered the specifics in terms of Crescents, Clusters, and competitions, but there are a few items that I think deserve special attention.

Mako came to Satele Shan with an explicit philosophy that the House Summit should lead from the front. He's done that, not only through general participation, but by doing 9 of the 11 competitions in the Odan-Urr/Plagueis feud. That's the second highest participation in the House and one of the highest in the Clan.

Mako was tasked with developing a moon or planet for the House in the Clan's new system, and the way he handled it demonstrates his qualities as a leader. Mako struck a difficult balance between promoting active conversation among House members and keeping that conversation friendly and useful. Once we had an idea of what our members wanted out of the new planet, Mako was steadfast in ensuring that their wishes were foremost in our minds during the development of the planet. And, although he did have help from the rest of the House Summit, Mako is responsible for the majority of the Shan planet's final write-up.

When it comes to general impact, Mako has been one of the Clan's most active members on Telegram and constantly urges members to "Get it! GET IT!" and participate in whatever activities they can. He's a fixture in the COU gaming scene and a great friend to many in Odan-urr.

Congrats on the award, Mako. And thanks for being a great role model for a very green Aedile.

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2016-06-13 05:00:27 UTC

I am honoured to be recommending Mako for this Sapphire Blade. His hard work and contribution towards the FIST staff has been outstanding and deserving of recognition. Always giving his all towards the work he does in the FIST office and setting an example to members around him.

Mako is always hard working and a key part of the FIST Office, he provides members with competitions to get involved in as well as making sure members get rewarded for the Galaxy of Hero Competitions. Every discussion that has been made since I stepped into the FIST Office he has been a part off. It's key to get the input of everyone of my staff members before deciding what to do and Mako is no exception. Honest and open he always brings new ideas to the discussion table. Mako steps up to the mark in gaming channels helping people with questions to get an answer quickly. Always trying to bring a better experience to gamers of the Brotherhood. As part of my FIST staff Mako also helps processing the gaming submissions that come into the office, keeping the queue down as always helping things run smoothly from day to day.

For his hard work and dedication I am happy to see Mako receive this Sapphire Blade. Keep up the hard work dude and it's a honour and privilege to have you on my FIST Staff.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2016-06-13 05:03:43 UTC

Mako Henymory is one of the most shining members of Clan Odan-Urr. A stalwart leader and a steadfast member. Mako has not only displayed an extraordinary level of activity (participating in numerous competitions, accumulating hundreds of Clusters and Crescents and running multiple competitions himself, what has been mentioned by A'lora Kituri), but has also proved himself to be an excellent and dedicated leader of House Satele Shan as well as superb Magistrate to the Fist.

What is more, Mako is always there to provide invaluable advice to other members and leaders of the Clan. He expresses his opinions and thoughts in a mature and precise way, always being a voice of reason.

A Sapphire Blade is awarded for "consistent long-term service to one's Clan". I believe tha Mako has more than fulfilled this requirement by his dedicated service to our Clan. Congratulations!

Adept Xantros, 2016-07-03 10:42:47 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

Mako is one of the most active members in Clan Scholae Palatinae and across the brotherhood in general. His competition entry rate, and the amount of placements he received, is exceptional. Since his last recognition, Mako has entered 128 competitions, and organised 3 of his own. These competition entries have yielded Mako 3 Diamond Crescents, 2 Ruby Crescents, and a large stockpile of lower crescents. In addition, Mako leads the way in terms of gaming, earning 6 Pendants of Blood and 968 Clusters of Fire.

For such an incredible contribution over the last 9 months, I'm very happy to reward Mako's service with a Sapphire Blade.

Thank you for everything you do for us!


General Zentru'la, 2018-09-08 14:45:23 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

Consistent activity by a member is a hallmark of this club and should be rewarded as such. Since his last recognition in 2019 Mako (Occultan) has been as consistent as one could hope for out of a member. During this time he has competed in 153 individual competitions. He has won 3 Gold Nova, 12 Crescents, 212 Clusters of Fire, 147 Clusters of Earth, 27 Clusters of Graphite, 10 Clusters of Ice, and 30 Seals over the last two Vendettas. These are stellar numbers and show that he is both an active and valued member of the Clan.

On top of the above-mentioned activity, he has passed 31 Shadow Academy Courses and earned 12 degrees. Even while Mako had to step away full time from the Brotherhood he remained active still entering into competitions and maintaining a presence on Clan Chat servers. I take great pleasure in being able to award this Sapphire Blade to Mako, Congratulations on a job well done.

Vynn Salm, 2021-12-15 00:18:35 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

In the three months since Occultan was last recognized he has maintained an exceptional level of activity. He has competed in 107 competitions. In these, he gained 6 Crescents with Diamond Star, 5 with Ruby Star, 11 Amethyst, 7 Sapphire, 6 Emerald, and 1 Topaz for a total of 36. He has gained 11 Clusters during that same time period and earned 502170 credits for the Clan.

Occultan is a valued member of Clan Vizsla, beyond the activity mentioned above, he is an active member of our discord channels. Offering advice and help to members from the newest members to those of us who have been a long time. Thank you Occultan for continuing to show the type of activity that makes my job easier. :P

Vynn Salm, 2022-03-30 03:00:36 UTC