Grand Cross events for Arcadian Vuusen

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia
Primary reason

Since I've known him, Arcadian has shown a strong level of dedication to the Brotherhood. At his peak, with the best of circumstances, he has provided some of Plagueis' highest activity levels to date. He has served in Leadership positions such as Aedile and Battleteam Leader and has participated on a standard level with great dedication. He has done work for the Shadow Academy in the past, and yet he has seen little to no reward for it. Even so, he never left or bickered.

This dedication is echoed nowhere more strongly than in his work as a Rollmaster for House Satal Keto. He has helped too many new members to name and has been a strong part of the logistical side of our House. He has selflessly done this without complaint or request for reward, taking on a thankless and work-intensive job at his own personal cost. Recently, when his real life has reached a point of high stress and nearly non-existent internet access and when he has little in the way of spare time, he has still fought to maintain a position that is difficult at the best of times. In the wake of his departure, it is past due that his combined efforts see him rewarded with the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

~ SBM Kal Vorrac, HSK Quaestor

Vivackus Kavon di Plagia, 2009-09-26 20:07:19 UTC