Steel Cross events for Nasake Shinjin

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Niman has been one of the most reliable members of Clan Plagueis in recent months. Always working to better his house, Niman led the way in the RoS, participating in 10 ACC matches and 65 MP ladder matches. On top of that, he was involved in the creation of the Clan Plagueis Battleplan for round one, and submitted a fiction entry for each round. <br> <br> He is consistently involved in all project discussions within the clan, and never fails to follow through on assigned tasks. Furthermore, he takes a considerable amount of initiative, actively seeking out new projects to work on, and never fails to properly recognize members of his house. <br> -PCON BubbaX<br> <br> DJK Niman has been an invaluable member of House Satal Keto since I have<br> taken over as its Quaestor. He has been very helpful with my<br> transition to a new house and clan and keeping the house in order<br> while I adjust. He did an exceptional job as acting-QUA while I was on<br> leave keeping things running smoothly.<br> <br> Niman leads by example and nothing could have proved that more than the<br> RoS where he participated in 10 ACC matches and played in 65 MP matches<br> earning his clan 76 participation points alone. All this while continuing<br> to fulfill his duties as Aedile. Niman is truly deserving of this award. ~QUA Robert Daragon

Lord Dacien Victae, 2007-04-02 22:00:00 UTC