Dark Cross events for Vladek

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Warlord Talon Jade
Primary reason

Vladek is an up and coming leader in this house and is a very active and outgoing individual that members enjoy talking to on IRC. He has helped the house by recruiting members (NOV Lowey) and created inspirational House banners for the coming House Fued with HLK. He has become a Neophyte in the ACC, Got a training lightsaber and warbanner and even sent in a submission to my competition(Nickname and Motto) before it was even approved. In short Vladek is an outstanding member and I want to see him rewarded.

Warlord Talon Jade, 2006-10-17 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Kat Pridemore
Primary reason

For progressing very quickly through his Knight trials, Vladek has shown his loyalty and willingness to work. He has gone above and beyond with his quick approach - taking on five ACC battles (2 in progress), for adding an article to the DV, and recruiting members, creating a graphic for the website - for doing all of these things and more, Vlad easily has earned the Dark Cross. He has done all of these things beyond his work as a BTL. He is nearing the end of his trials, and I fully expect that he will earn his Knighthood soon. Excellent work, Vladek. ~ Kat Pridemore, PCON of CNS

Kat Pridemore, 2006-12-25 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Warlord Robert Sadow
Primary reason

Vladek participated in 4 events of the Clan Naga Sadow Artisan: Fractured Mirror. Of those events he placed in all 4 of them, including two 1st places and two 2nd places exhibiting his skill along with his effort. He earned 4 crescents (two sapphire, two emeralds) in the event. For his amazing effort and skill in the Fractured Mirror competition, Clan Naga Sadow is pleased to award Vladek a Dark Cross. – CON Robert Sadow

Warlord Robert Sadow, 2009-06-22 05:46:45 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Shi Kensei
Primary reason

For participation in one event during 'Vendetta: Disorder', the HNS Summit hereby awards this Dark Cross.

Shi Kensei, 2010-11-11 13:20:37 UTC