Sapphire Blade events for Howlader Taldrya

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Being Chancellor - GM Zoraan

Howlader Taldrya, 2000-08-26 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

"DO ALL THINGS" From the Beginning of the Crusade until the very last second this was the one call to arms that has connected everyone in Taldryan and commited them into stepping up for the House. And there was the one who initiated this call for arms, Dark Jedi Master Howlader, and he has done all the things! Out of all members of the Brotherhood, there have been only a handful of members who have participated in very all events, and only twice as much have achieved more medals during the Crusade. This alone is a feat that makes Howlader a Force within Taldryan to be recognized.

But except his outside appearance at participating in every single event, his willingness to help other members of Taldryan to make sure that the entries coming from Taldryan meet the highest of possible quality has been a true inspiration to many others .

Even now since the end of Dark Crusade Howlader continued his work at helping my Aedile on several of his projects and serving as an adviser, I am trusting without a second thought.

Howlader for your tremendous effort and encouraging participation in the Dark Crusade, as well as your help for other members of Taldryan, I am hereby, requesting you to be rewarded with a Sapphire Blade. Thank you Howie, you really deserve this more than ones.

Rian Aslar, Quaestor of Taldryan

Rian Taldrya, 2013-12-24 01:45:31 UTC
Additional reasons

The Sapphire Blade is awarded to a member who has shown consistent and long-term service to their Unit or Brotherhood position. Such services however cannot be seen until taken on a whole, each individual part seen as one. The Sapphire Blade can also be rewarded for extraordinary amounts of activity in a large-scale competition such as the Great Jedi War, where the very best are rewarded for their efforts.

Howlader’s performance in the Dark Crusades marks him as one of the most talented and dedicated members in the Dark Brotherhood. When it comes to participation, not a single member in the entire Dark Brotherhood participated in more events than he did, a few did as many, but not one did more… because Howlader participated in every. single. event. During the span of the Crusades, 243 members of the Brotherhood participated in at least one event. Howlader participated in 31. Not only that, but his total medal tally marked him as one of the truly elite members in skill measurements as well, finding himself in the 96th percentile of Nova earned, and was only matched or tied by 10 members in the Dark Brotherhood.

Beyond his own personal efforts on behalf of Taldryan, including a once again perfect performance in the final round, Howlader was the engine room of Taldryan. His omnipresence on IRC allowed Howlader to be the single most influential person in Taldryan at driving activity.

Since the Crusades have concluded, Howlader has been instrumental to me by completing a significant number of assignments, helping to collate and combine data sets from around the DB, and being an otherwise invaluable resource to his summit. For all these reasons and more, I heartily endorse Dark Jedi Master Howlader for receipt of a Sapphire Blade.

Dark Jedi Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, Aedile and Loyal Son of Taldryan.

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-24 01:45:15 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Howlader was one of the applicants during my initial Praetor search, and while I ultimately select Evant I also knew Howie’s experience and wisdom were not things to brush aside. He had, after all, already served as P:MAA before! So I tweaked the system and arranged for a Special Magistrate, an advisor of sorts with specific instructions not to process requests (because I wanted my Magistrate to learn how to do these things). Instead, he helped guide discussions. He helped answer questions. After a time he helped correct backend mistakes with competitions. He also helped returning members restore dossier medals and accomplishments.

Howie is also Howie, and pretty much everyone knows what that means: no nonsense, tell it straight, not afraid to let you have it. He’s seen it all before. He’s one of those single digit dossier types. And he has not agreed with all of my MAA ideas. I specifically wanted Magistrates to process requests, not he. He presented potential issues, but went along for the ride. He’s never liked MAA competitions (not that there are many), but all the same helps us select golden recommendations. Sometimes we discuss things in way too much detail, but he also helps bounce ideas around or provides much needed “how does this compare to previous MAA” feedback.

I consider my staff to be the absolute fundamental reason why the MAA Office succeeds. They are awesome, and from August 2014 to June 2015 Howie served an integral part of that staff. Nearly every Equite and Elder promotion, every sacramental award, and most everything else involved discussion. Sometimes everyone walks away agreeing; sometimes the room is divided, but Howie always keeps pushing forward (all while achieving leadership milestones in Taldryan, I will add). He served perfectly in his made up Special Magistrate position, and I want to recognize these feats as he now moves on to real responsibilities as Praetor. Thank you, Howie, for all your hard work and tireless ranting. — Aabsdu Dupar, Master at Arms

Zanet Xox, 2015-06-28 16:32:58 UTC
Additional reasons

Through the few months I have worked with the Panda, he has truly taught Kord and I a lot. As many have said, Howie doesn't beat around the bush. Some might find this harsh, but for the few people who have worked along side him, we know it the way of the Panda. Howie has been around this club longer than some members have been alive. I haven't witnessed many members as dedicated to this club, it's values, and further growth as Howie shows on a daily basis. It takes a passionate member to stay around and do all that Howie continues to do for the advancement of our online world. I know I don't have to say it, but keep doing great things for this club as we do appreciate your guidance and efforts.

Maximus Alvinius, 2015-06-27 19:33:11 UTC

For 10 straight months, with only a few leaves from his duty, Howie consistently dedicated himself to his position as Special Magistrate to the Master at Arms. To say he was in charge of yelling, is both true, and also a bit of an oversimplification of the services he provided to the team. He brought years of experience and a well reasoned albeit noisy point of view to a countless number of debates and discussions, and while I'll be the first to admit a recommendation always reads better with something quantifiable, in this case I think it was actually too many debates and discussions to be counted. He in many cases took the opposing view against the entire team, quite often things wouldn't go his way, but he was passionate about his stance and we all continued to grow as a team as we digested all the reasons we were wrong time and time again. All this showed a great dedication to his position.

Everything above is great to show all the stuff that Howie did, which is a lot of it, but it was his influence and impact on the entire Master at Arms team, including myself and now second set of Magistrates, that makes me feel nothing short of a sacramental award would do to award him for his service. As the two of us would go back and forth in emails, he really elevated my own personal knowledge of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood way of rewards and systems in general. Congratulations on your Sapphire Blade Howie, and look forward to more yelling. Beer is on me!

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-06-27 19:03:06 UTC

Howie has been a great source of information these past few months, as well as reinforcement. He’s never been one to mince words, what you need to know he tells you in plain and unconfusing terms. Riding herd on both Landon and myself, he’s been there to answer questions and to prod us into doing whatever is on the table at the time despite our own feelings of caution and indecision, assuring us of what we’re doing. He’s done a great job helping Aabs teach us the job, and has been a huge value to the MAA office as a whole.

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2015-06-27 19:03:30 UTC