Dark Cross events for Zaroth Rakiroyo

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Primary reason

Where do I begin with Zaroth; he has been a supporting influence and contributor in the Disciples of Ragnos project. His contributions to the project included, specifically the "Disciples" section, have been fantastic. He is what you expect to find out of a team player; his ideas have been great, he's come up with various names for the castes that members can fictionally chose, he's offered feedback on everything to do with the project, add ideas (some good and bad). He has made this project his own, for his House. Zaroth is a credit to the House and I would like for that, and many other reasons, I request a Dark Cross to be rewarded for all his hard work. Congratulations. - SBM Ashura Megos Isradia, QUA of HMR.

Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2008-04-22 01:11:20 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Jades A Sadow
Primary reason

He has a great IRC presence. While on IRC he is always interacting with members and trying to come up with new ways to further his character development. From starting a mini run on with myself to trying to get his character to interact in RP sessions on IRC so he can add to his character development. He is also active in the Battle Team Competitions, and SA courses, and has always been a proud member of the Night Hawk Team and trying to defend its honor by staying active. He deserves this Dark Cross for not only being active in his team and character but for helping to develop others characters along the way. Great job!!

Jades A Sadow, 2008-06-11 20:01:03 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Derev Niroth
Primary reason

Five members of Clan Naga Sadow 'met the average' for their participation in the House Feud, and Zaroth was one of them. Real life bit him in the butt mid-way through this Feud, but I have no doubt he would have made it much higher had he been able to participate more. With 148 points, we're pleased to award him a Dark Cross.

On Behalf of the Clan Naga Sadow Leadership, Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Derev Niroth, 2008-10-22 12:55:54 UTC