Character Snapshot (Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow)

Character Snapshot for Corsair Kojiro Keibatsu (2017/07/12, Corsair Kojiro Keibatsu vs. Warlord Legorii Arconae)

Corsair Kojiro Keibatsu

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist, Krath
Height: 1.94 m / 6'4" - Weight: 117.0 kg / 258 lbs
Age: 24 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Physical Description:

The newest Keibatsu sports a mop of white hair that ends in a ponytail at the base of his neck or drifts down past his shoulders depending on his mood. Wisps of darker colour, probably from before the incident, lazily drift alongside the white strands. Whilst worn down the hair is enough to cover most of his face as well as travel a fair bit past his shoulders. His facial growth is of an excessive length, more often than not adorned with ornamentation and more often than not a braid can be seen.

Circling the back of his head are Aurebesh tattoos that signify the number thirteen whilst what's left of his organic body is wrapped in images taken straight from Kytaru. His organic eye gleams a bright blue whilst the new organic shines a monstrous red, fitting in with the man's ghastly visage. The once broken nose as been set, but most of it is encased in the metal of the new parts.

The cybernetics have replaced the majority of his body, including vast segments of his face. What's left of his organic body, besides being covered in tattoos, is laced with scars and dents from where the surgeon's tools went to town in order to save him.


When in combat Kojiro wears a custom set of Purge Armour, decorated in the Keibastu colours of black and purple.

Outside of combat, he is more often than not found in his warcoat and a pair of trousers, loose fitting robes rest underneath if he can be bothered to wear them.

Loadout: Primary (Snapshot)
Blooded (General Aspect)

Once no more than a veteran clone soldier, Kojiro Keibatsu has finally been offered the chance of a lifetime the honour of holding the Keibatsu name and all that goes with it. With the freedom to be more than a clone, he has set his eyes on bigger and larger targets in order to make a name for himself as well as finally claim what he has always wished for: his lady's hand. The clone still has numerous trials to face, but Kojiro Keibatsu has the confidence to move forward and achieve greater things for himself, his new family, and all those under his protection.

With the name comes danger. The Keibatsu's enemies are now his and he has the challenge of standing up to them publicly as well as from the shadows. He must stand with his family, or on behalf of them, taking the brunt as the youngest of them.

In Her Name (General Aspect)

The Tome of Endless Tears was found within one of the ancient tombs of Moraband. Since its acquisition, Kojiro Keibatsu has never quite been the same. Shadows flicker behind his eyes and the once level-headed Clone has at times become unstable and unapproachable. All the while whispering of some unknown Dark Side entity, his new patron, his Goddess who whispers sweetly in his head.

Whether this entity is a hallucination, or something else, is yet to be determined but the influence has begun to spread his as his fanaticism increases. The mind of the man has begun to suffer intrusion and only time will tell exactly what the outcome will be.

Weakness is a Sin (Personality Aspect)

Kojiro Keibatsu cannot tolerate weakness, especially amongst his own people. Failure is never an option to him and he is known to throw himself into last ditch efforts to overcome his foes. Having been created to be a soldier, he often holds the lives of his men over that of the other Force users in the clan. Any loss of soldiers, Warhost or Nihilgenia, is an affront to him and he will openly challenge those that so willingly throw the men away, seeing it as an unforgivable failure.

This devotion to his men can be seen as odd, especially to others who see them as tools. Kojiro Keibatsu never forgets where he comes from, regardless of what he is, and this can often lead to confrontation with his own Clan, especially given his xenophobic nature, should the issue spiral beyond acceptable losses.

Make it go Away (Personality Aspect)

Addiction is a horrible thing. After the stress and pain the cybernetic grafts and augmentations brought with them, Kojiro turned to narcotics to help dull the agony. At first, it was only pain suppressants to help fight the aches but it soon turned into larger doses and harder substances resulting in loss of function at days at a time. Due to this, he began learning how to control and regulate his body to ensure he was able to keep a level head when called upon for duty. Even then should his concentration lapse he can more often than not find himself once more slip into a haze of blissful non-reality putting not only himself but others around him in danger as well.

The pain is so great sometimes he can often overdo it on what he takes resulting in body crashes. Though he has yet to overdose it may be only a matter of time before the world comes crashing down around him.

The Way of the Warrior Is Death (Combat Aspect)

Due to his clone heritage, Kojiro was trained from inception to follow orders for the success of the mission. Indoctrinated in clone battle strategy, he would willingly forfeit his life to ensure it. This has given him a cavalier attitude towards death - replacing his fear with a euphoric adrenaline rush that comes from the near misses in combat.

This daredevil attitude personifies his approach to combat where he prefers utilising heavy weapons and explosives in the middle of the fray. As a result, he often puts himself and others in harm’s way. In addition, for those not trained to have the same beliefs, he may have trouble convincing them to put themselves in dangerous situations.

Peace Through Superior Firepower (Combat Aspect)

Kojiro is the definition of what it means to be a tank. Bedecked in heavy Imperial Purge armour and wielding his heavy repeater he wades into combat cutting down all before him whilst going for maximum brutality and carnage. Utilising his immense strength to overpower his foes in close combat and the armours inbuilt shoulder mounted rocket launcher he ensures that once he begins his path of destruction nothing is left standing.

However, this approach means his movements are slower and ponderous, easily telegraphed and outmanoeuvred with planning and It is possible for allies to be caught in the crossfire when he loses himself to battle fervour. When rendered inert, inept, or otherwise unable to engage an enemy directly, he keeps a backup pistol to see him through

Skill Feats
Second Skin I Fear Will Keep Them In Line You May Have Heard Of Me Let Them Hate, So Long As They Fear No Scope Run And Gun Droid Whisperer La Resistance I Pistol-cuffs
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Medley II Proficiency II Order Feat: Mercenary
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Mando'a
  • Ground Warfare
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Explosives
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None