Character Snapshot (Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow)

Character Snapshot for Commander Riku Keibatsu (2016/12/03, Privateer Vadin Cal vs. Commander Riku Keibatsu)

Commander Riku Keibatsu

Equite 2, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist, Krath
Height: 1.89 m / 6'2" - Weight: 99.1 kg / 218 lbs
Age: 24 years - Left Handed
Physical Description

Physical Description:

Riku sports a closely shaven head, a strip of hair runs down the middle and ends in a ponytail at the base of his neck. Circling the back of his head are Aurebesh tattoos that signify the number thirteen, two small tattoos rest above his left eye, a strip sits in the middle of his bottom lip whilst a circuit shaped tattoo frames his right eye.

His nose sports the telltale sign of a breakage and high cheekbones highlight strong features. Due to a replacement cybernetic left eye, a piece of technology breaks through the skin to the right of it. A dark, styled beard completes his facial features and though young flecks of silver can be seen appearing throughout his hair due to the clones progressive aging.

His muscular body is covered in similar tattoos to those that line his head. His right arm has been replaced with a cybernetic lost during his first conflict. Besides the odd scar and battle wound nothing in particular stands out that separates him from the average human.


Riku sports his own version of the ARC Trooper Armour, fitted with Jetpack and Kama. It's decorated in the colours of the Keibatsu, as well as it's symbology. A stylised helm, transcribed with Kyataru imagery adorns his face, the helm is fitted with a HUD display and voice modulator. Providing tactical feedback as well as adding an air of malice to his voice.

The armour is highly personalized. Each shoulder is adorned with a close fitting pauldron. The shape of the pauldron resembles that of a skull, the skull is usually unidentifiable unless you have studied the fables and horror stories of Kyartau. Likewise, his armoured boots end in the same skull, wrapped around his knee. Whilst the toes of the boots are pointed and resemble talons.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
1 x Westar 35 Pistols, 1 x Lightsaber, 1 x Fibrecord Whip, 1 x Personal Energy Shield, 1 x Jetpack
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)


  • 1 x Westar 35 Pistols
  • 1 x Lightsaber
  • 1 x Blastech Durr-24 Wrist Laser
  • 1 x Flamethrower


  • 1 x Thermal Detonator
  • 1 x Flashbang Grenade
  • 1 x Dioxis Grenade
  • 1 x Fibrecord Whip
  • 1 x Shadow Academy Datapad
  • 1 x Personal Energy Shield
  • 1 x Jetpack


  • 1 x FC Speeder Bike


  • 1 x X-Wing


  • 1x Seeker Droid
Chosen By The Valkyrie (General Aspect)

Riku would like to think he surrounds himself with good people though the truth is he only surrounds himself with Nihilgenia. There is one being, besides his brothers and lords, that Riku will kill for: Frey'jah, Daughter of Clan Jorgu and Riku's sociopathic partner.

There is no limit to how far either of them would go to protect the other, even if it means Riku needs to step up and challenge her disapproving father.

The bond between the two of them is something they are both comfortable with though Riku is well aware should anything happen to her, then nothing would stop him from enacting revenge.

Blooded (General Aspect)

Once no more than a veteran clone soldier, Riku has finally been offered the chance of a lifetime. The honour of holding the Keibatsu name and all that goes with it. With the freedom, to be more than a clone he has set his eyes on bigger and larger targets hoping to make a name for himself as well as finally claim what he has always wished for, his ladies hand. The clone still has numerous trials to face, but Riku has the new found confidence to move forward and achieve greater things for himself, his new family and all those now under his protection.

With the name comes danger, however, those enemies of the Keibatsu are now his enemies and with the name comes the challenge of standing up to them publicly and from the shadows. Things will change and the new Keibatsu will ensure he changes with them to overcome everything and everyone arrayed against him.

A New World Order! (Personality Aspect)

Order, the true ideology of man or at least Riku’s ideology. Created to keep order he has always carried out that simple task to the letter. Yet, as he observes the politics of the Brotherhood, the infestation of alien species polluting camps and brothers murdering brothers for simple gains he has come to realise one thing. Pravus is right. The Undesirables and the Jedi; festering in the bowels of peaceful cities turn to crime to support themselves. Not content with their lots in life causing riots and stealing, whilst upsetting the very fabric of what makes societies great. All the while angering Pravus and the Inquisitorius; the true keepers of order.

Not content to allow the galaxy to collapse into a state of chaos, Riku is willing to become whatever he needs too; Inquisitorius, or the one who damns an entire planet for the sake of Order.

Do I Exist? (Personality Aspect)

Having been grown for for the Keibatsu family, Riku has always wondered does he truly exist as a person. A clone of someone he will never meet, a child born without a father but with dozens of brothers who all claim to be him. The mental scars that have been left as he developed his own sense of self and personality have left trenches of self-doubt and worth. He often wonders if he is worthy of ever holding the Keibatsu name on top of wondering wherever he is worthy of holding the simple title of human.

Unwilling to give up he pushes forward every day. However, as he emerges from the background into the forefront of a Clan he feels the crushing presence of self-doubt begin to emerge once more and old scars begin to open and bleed.

CQC (Combat Aspect)

Riku is an able close quarter combat specialist. Combining both his skills in sliding hands, an assortment of close range weapons and tools he neutralizes his opponent with blocks, grapples and throws before finishing them off with point-blank shots from his blaster. His skills in Martial arts enable him to fight without the use of his weapon. However, he is able to use the blaster for more than shooting, turning the weapon upon his foes with a hammer-like force and precision that can leave bones broken and those unarmoured out cold.

This specialization in CQC, however, has left him not as able in mid to long range combat. For maximum effectiveness, he is forced to position himself close to his foes, putting him in overly dangerous situations but likewise exposing his opponents to the full brunt of his combat abilities.

Bird Of Prey (Combat Aspect)

When it comes to the art of swordplay Riku sees himself as second to none. His limits were tested when he was handed a lightsaber and told to spar and whilst in no shape to take on a competent saber user, against those of lesser skill and especially those with no training he wields his blade with severe and deadly effect. Using the saber as more than a weapon he understands its effectiveness at getting tasks done that require the right touch, like opening blast doors. As he wields his saber in one hand he wields his blaster pistol in the other, using it to take out those beyond his reach as he cuts down those closest to him.

Should he push himself like he usually does he may find himself overwhelmed by superior numbers resulting in a swift and pointless death as he loses himself in the dance.

Skill Feats
Ambidexterity II Fear Will Keep Them In Line Parkour! No Scope Pistol-cuffs The Force is With Me Quick Draw Run And Gun
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Medley II Proficiency II Order Feat: Loyalist
  • Basic
  • Mando'a
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Sliding Hands
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Bladed
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None