Character Snapshot (Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow)

Character Snapshot for Corsair Kojiro Keibatsu (2018/09/02, Corsair Kojiro Keibatsu vs. Warlord Quejo)

Corsair Kojiro Keibatsu

Equite 3, Equite tier, Clan Naga Sadow
Male Human, Mercenary, Weapons Specialist, Mandalorian
Height: 1.94 m / 6'4" - Weight: 117.0 kg / 258 lbs
Age: 27 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

The newest Keibatsu sports a mop of white hair that ends in a ponytail at the base of his neck or drifts down to rest above his shoulders depending on his mood. Wisps of darker colour, previously black, probably from before the incident, lazily drift alongside the white strands. His facial growth has been toned back from recent months, being carefully monitored and trimmed but still providing a decent enough beard.

Circling the back of his head are Aurebesh tattoos that signify the number thirteen whilst the rest of his body is wrapped in images taken straight from Kytaru. His eyes differ in colour, having somehow been created with heterochromia over the standard template. One dances a hazy shade of blue whilst the other gleams green like the brightest of emeralds.

What's left of Kojiro's body is well maintained from years of life as a soldier and the muscles from years of physical exercise are quite evident. Though most of his bulk comes from when he dons his armour, given his body is of an average build that befits the clones size.

The majority of his left side, including both legs, parts of his face, the arm and some internal organs have been replaced with rough, almost monstrous in form, Cybernetics.

Kojiro and Selvaria

Loadout: Bounty Hunter (Snapshot)
Blooded (General Aspect)

Once no more than a veteran clone soldier, Kojiro Keibatsu has finally been offered the chance of a lifetime the honour of holding the Keibatsu name and all that goes with it. With the freedom to be more than a clone, he has set his eyes on bigger and larger targets in order to make a name for himself as well as finally claim what he has always wished for: his lady's hand. The clone still has numerous trials to face, but Kojiro Keibatsu has the confidence to move forward and achieve greater things for himself, his new family, and all those under his protection.

With the name comes danger. The Keibatsu's enemies are now his and he has the challenge of standing up to them publicly as well as from the shadows. He must stand with his family, or on behalf of them, taking the brunt as the youngest of them.

Bounty Hunter (General Aspect)

Though a Keibatsu, Koji still likes to make his own way in the galaxy and for that purpose he has turned to the trade of Bounty Hunting. Utilising his skills as a Nihilgenia and training provided by his Mandalorian contacts has allowed the Clone to become highly proficient at what he does and how he does it. Kojiro has no qualms about who he works for but he follows his own code of honour when it comes to hunts, preferring the bigger payout of taking them alive than dead. Though Koji is prepared to do what needs to be done to get paid.

His limited code of ethics can at times clash with the job given to him, especially if details are sketchy. Causing potential issues between him and his client, but one way or another Kojiro will get his money, Even if that means taking it by force.

Loyalty to Few, Slave to None (Personality Aspect)

Kojiro is a Bounty Hunter first and foremost. Created a Clone and made to fight strengthened his loyalty to the Keibatsu but that's the only true loyalty he possesses. Kojiro will protect those he cares about with a wild abandon but since leaving the army he has pushed himself to look out for one person. Himself. He'll work for anyone, as long as the pay is good and see the job through to the end for his current employer to safeguard his reputation.

Though he will never betray the Keibatsu he has no such qualms about doing what must be done in order to survive. When it comes to other parties everyone's a potential employer. This uncertainty about where his true loyalties lie can make him a dangerous ally.

Survivors Guilt (Personality Aspect)

Kojiro struggles with having survived the atrocities of the wars that the Nihilgenia were involved in to assist the Keibatsu to retake their home. As well as his own personal torment at the hands of of the Technocratic Unions "Doctors". Though it has strengthened his resolve and will to live it has also left scars that no one can see. Abiding by his code of ethics and keeping himself busy hunting keeps his mind active and strong in the face of his opponents and allies. Outwardly he's what one would expect from a hunter. Unemotional and all business.

When alone however, Kojiro can falter. This sense of hopelessness can often show itself in bursts of irrational anger, total breakdowns in private or in the worst case scenarios throwing himself in head first. Kojiro at times seeks death, to join his brothers. But no one has granted it yet.

Death From Above (Combat Aspect)

Personal flight. The endorphins and adrenaline released from having a jetpack strapped to his back during combat. Trained to fight from the air Kojiro has all but mastered the use of the personal propulsion system. Utilising rockets, grenades, his trusty blasters and brilliant positioning he adapts to his surroundings to gain the upper hand. He sets up the battlefield to his advantage and turning it into a death trap for anyone bound to the ground. This expertise also aids him in drop assaults from transports.

Kojiro's manipulation of the air combat zone has always been one of his greatest strengths. However, should the Clone find himself in enclosed spaces none of this training matters. Putting him on equal footing with his prey and removing his greatest advantage and mobility.

He's No Good To Me Dead (Combat Aspect)

Kojiro wants the biggest payout for the effort he puts into obtaining his target. He has no issues with killing if he has too but he will aim to incapacitate his targets and ready them for transport to his employer. To this end, Koji will utilise his tools of the trade to take his target down either via force, by intimidation or by stunning them into submission.

This makes Koji a very careful and precise fighter to ensure his goals are achieved, however not all opponents are willing to go down the way he likes them and he can find himself caught off guard should his own plans go awry.

Skill Feats
Ambidexterity II Guns Akimbo Second Skin I Quick Draw Lightning Reflexes You May Have Heard Of Me Parkour! Run And Gun Fear Will Keep Them In Line
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Human: Eye Of The Tiger Human: Just Another Face Order Feat: Mercenary Medley II Proficiency II
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Mando'a
  • Bounty Hunting and the Underworld
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Blasters
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Secondary Weapon Specialization Miscellaneous
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None
Secondary Lightsaber Form None