Dark Cross events for Rho Ozrei d'Tana

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Nadrin Erinos Arconae
Primary reason

Rho is one of the stalwarts of Soulfire and Arcona as a whole. He is always around on IRC to talk to and is constantly active, participating in the recent RoS, competing in the gaming ladders and earning Arcona some much needed points to help us toward our 4th place finish. He collected 17 points in the JA ladder and hauled in 33 points in the Team ladder, giving Arcona a total of 50 points for gaming. He also participates in the weekly gaming events, earning a SoD for participation in the recent ORW. The fact that he has yet to recieve a merit medal also makes this reward seem much more fitting, and I am proud to have him as a member of my team. His consistant enthusiasm, as well as his recent work for Arcona's benefit make me feel that he is very much deserving of this reward.

Well done Rho, keep up the excellent work!

Nadrin Erinos Arconae, 2007-04-18 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Orv Dessrx
Primary reason

Rho is a pillar member of Clan Arcona, House Galeres, and Battle Team Cabal Cronal; showing excellent participation on IRC and Clan competitions/events. But his involvement in bettering the Clan as a whole goes beyond those basic activities.

Cabal Cronal Formation:

As Cabal Cronal was nothing more than a thought, it was Rho d'Tana that helped breathe life into the Team. He has worked closely with me from the beginning, creating and fine-tuning the BT's backstory, membership communications, competitions and recruitment. Rho has taken it upon himself to develop his own messages to contact/greet members as they join the Team, helping those members find their place withing our fictional backstory.

Cabal Cronal Leadership:

Rho d'Tana is my second in command within the Cabal. 2 Times I have been drawn away from my post as Battle Team Leader fairly abruptly and 2 times Rho has stepped up to the plate and taken the operation of the Team into his own hands, fielding questions from our members, communicating appropriately, and managing the competitions.

Project: CC Recruitment Competition:

Cabal Cronal will soon be launching a series of competitions aimed at bolstering its membership. The competitions involve a number of intertwined events, each building off the other. In development of this series, Rho has been vital in the story development; thinking up ideas, working on the planning documents, and fine tuning my random thoughts. His participation with the development of such a competition series has greatly sped the process along.


Rho has done all that work above and beyond the typical membership responsibilities...never once wanting anything in return save for seeing the Battle Team and Clan succeed. For that, Rho is worthy of a Dark Cross (DC).

Orv Dessrx, 2007-07-01 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

I hereby recommend Rho d`Tana be awarded the Dark Cross for his participation and efforts in the GJW. Rho placed 66th in the JO/JA/JK Ladder, scoring 30 Match Points and played 18 matches. This good participation and effort is thoroughly deserving of recognition. Arcona thanks you for your hard work.

DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Halcyon, 2007-09-22 10:35:20 UTC