Character Snapshot (Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor)

Character Snapshot for Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor (2014/09/22, DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor vs. DP Halcyon Rokir Taldrya)

Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor

Elder 2, Elder tier, Clan Taldryan
Male Human, Sith, Juggernaut
Height: 1.96 m / 6'5" - Weight: 100.0 kg / 220 lbs
Age: 57 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Keirdagh is an aging, but powerfully built man with the stern countenance of a man who has lived a hard life—one fraught with tragedy, grief, and hard work. Rising to nearly two metres in height, with broad shoulders and a well-muscled physique it is clear that Keirdagh maintains a strict exercise regimen. His age becomes apparent with the hints of grey creeping into his otherwise full head of dark brown hair, and the wrinkles framing his piercing green eyes. All of these facts, however pale in comparison to the singular defining feature of Keirdagh: A full, and luxurious beard, that despite being shot through with strands of grey, appears to be solid enough to stop a blaster bolt on its own.

When in combat, the Corellian exclusively dons his customized flight suit armour. Stained bright red in allegiance to his Order, the armour is designed to be able to be used in rigourous hand to hand combat, and also act as a fully operational flight suit while piloting starfighters.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
See character sheet.
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)
  • Golden Lightsaber
  • Emerald Dagger
  • Sapphire Blade
  • AKraB vibrodagger
Do you have any idea how easy this is for me? (General Aspect)

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor has seen it all, and done it all. He has excelled in every aspect of their long career up until this point, and this had led him to one, inescapable conclusion: He's just plain better than you. The conviction with which Keirdagh embraces this fact is complete, and he believes that he is in fact that most deadly, most intelligent and most gifted individual to ever grace the galaxy. This attitude, while almost always vindicated in the end, can lead others to revile Keirdagh, and entices scores of people to pray for his eventual fall from grace.

Admiral of the Empire (General Aspect)

Having spent a long and successful career as a Naval Officer, Keirdagh excels in many areas relating to space warfare. Recognized as one of the deadliest Starfighter pilots in the Emperor's Hammer, Keirdagh's ability in a dogfight is almost unparalleled. Having earned the rank of Admiral, he is also a skilled tactician and force commander.

Heavy lies the Crown (Personality Aspect)

Keirdagh has spent much of his adult life in command of other people, whose lives have literally been balanced on the outcomes of his decisions. Long experience and many hard fought battles have granted Keirdagh the sense of iron-clad authority. When he issues an order, he expects it to be followed, and accepts nothing less. In payment to the authority he wields so naturally, Keirdagh is also steadfastly loyal to his allies. There are very few inviolate rules in his life, but when push comes to shove, right or wrong, whatever the odds are stacked against them are, he will never abandon a comrade in need.

Guttermouth (Personality Aspect)

When engaged in combat, Keirdagh is often extremely vociferous in his use of expletives. With a repertoire learned on a dozen different worlds, and from a dozen different military postings, Keirdagh constantly makes use of the most colourful and imaginative curses that one can imagine. The sheer range and variety he employs would make any of the most hardened smugglers from his home world of Corellia proud. In Keirdagh's opinion even the simplest statement, can be made better by the judicious use of profanity.

A Blunt Instrument (Combat Aspect)

Despite having earned renown for being one of the most skilled starfighter pilots in the Emperor's Hammer, he is a much different person when forced to fight on the ground. In hand to hand combat, Keirdagh is a blunt instrument. There is no grace or subtlety to his approach in combat, nor does he endlessly study forms. At the end of the day, brutal and emotionless efficiency is what Keirdagh strives for in combat. He will gladly suffer damage in order to dole out greater punishments to his enemies, and he cares little about how he looks doing it.

Go! I got this. (Combat Aspect)

Keirdagh, when forced to fight in hand to hand combat tends to play more of a support role. Though he is a capable fighter in martial arts and with a lightsaber, the majority of his focus has been spent on mastering the Force, which he prefers to use as his primary weapon. Keirdagh, almost without exception prefers to take up the rear guard role, ensuring that his comrades find their way to safety before he himself leaves the battle. This self-sacrificing position will often put him at risk, when facing increasingly difficult odds.

Skill Feats
Familiar Steel You Killed My Father, Prepare To Die
Force Feats
Telekinetic Combat I More Than A Feeling Leaf On The Wind Saber Throw Static Shock IV Hammer Time
Granted Feats
Surge III Human: Just Another Face Iron Pillar III
  • Basic
  • History & Doctrines of the Imperial Navy
  • History & Traditions of Corellia
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Broken Gate
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Trakata
Secondary Lightsaber Form None