Grand Cross events for Proconsul Rayne Palpatine

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Rayne and Arch ran our Teamspeak server from their home computer over the last 5 months. They took on this responsibility back in June/July without being asked. On their own initiative they figured out how to host a Teamspeak server and never looked back! Please accept this small token of my appreciation, and thank you for your dedication!

Valhavoc, 2013-11-26 01:56:38 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

As written by her Quaestor, reviewed by the summit, and approved by Consul Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz.

Consul's Comments

Specific metrics since last recognition are listed below. Original recommendation from Arch contains broader Q4 metrics.

  • 29 Competitions participated in
  • 72 PvE activities
  • 1 Fiction event
  • 739 words of fiction
  • 13 Crescents
  • 3 Pendant of Blood
  • 1,264 Clusters


Battlelord Rayne has been an important and incredibly active member of Clan Scholae Palatinae and House Caliburnus. Her focus this quarter has been on gaming, where she has been one of the main driving forces, not just in the House or Clan, but even the entire Dark Brotherhood. Firstly, let’s consider the gaming numbers involved, for Q4 of 2021:

  • Clusters of Fire: 446
  • Clusters of Earth: 1248
  • Pendants of Blood: 4
  • PvE Activities: 104

During Q4 2021, Rayne earned the second most GMRG points of the entire Dark Brotherhood, finishing second in the GMRG leaderboard. Besides the clusters and pendants, she earned a significant number of crescents due to her gaming. Besides the 13 gaming competitions she participated in, she also competed in 33 other competitions in this quarter.

  • Crescent with Diamond Star: 4 – 2 were gaming related
  • Crescent with Ruby Star: 2 – Both gaming related
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star: 4 – 3 were gaming related
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star: 5 – 2 were gaming related
  • Crescent with Emerald Star: 4 – 1 was gaming related
  • Crescent with Topaz Star: 1

Rayne has been an asset to the House, the Clan, and the Dark Brotherhood in fostering a resurgence in gaming activity after a relatively fallow 2021. Her focus, drive, and determination has revitalized a flagging CSP gaming community and assisted in bring half a dozen others into the gaming fold.

For this loyalty, activity, and dedication, I am pleased and honored to offer my recommendation for this award.

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2022-01-03 17:49:41 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

Woohoo!! Another quarter and another chance to talk about Rayne. Let's see, what haven't I covered. Works on the wiki...check. Consistently makes it onto the GMRG Leadership board...check. Does nearly every competition she finds...check. Burns all the pants in Scholae Palatinae...check. Steals my office furniture...STEALS MY OFFICE FURNITURE?

Well, despite the furniture piece Rayne continues to shine as the co-hood rat of Scholae Palatinae. I can't wait to see what 2023 brings for her. Especially since she's started running competitions! Oh boy, we're in for a wild fun time!



  • 56 Total Competitions
  • 50 Unique Competitions


  • 15 Gaming


  • 1 Diamond
  • 1 Ruby
  • 7 Amethyst
  • 6 Sapphire
  • 11 Emerald
  • 1 Topaz


  • 50 Clusters of Fire
  • 365 Clusters of Earth
  • 19 Clusters of Graphite

Shadow Academy:

  • 24 Courses passed
  • 4 Degrees earned

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-01-04 01:04:30 UTC