Steel Cross events for Mayda Ferium

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

I hereby recommend Mayda Ferium be awarded the Steel Cross for her participation and efforts in the GJW. Mayday placed 71st in the Fiction Ladder, participating in 4 Events. She also participated in 4 of the event sin the Graphics ladder and placed 46th overall. Mayda has also recently assumed the interim position of Clan Envoy and has done some excellent work on preparing the welcome e-mails and managing the arrival of new members. This good participation and effort is thoroughly deserving of recognition. Arcona thanks you for your hard work.

DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Halcyon, 2007-09-22 10:32:01 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Mayda was a total boss in the IGs. She had the most participation of anyone in HSP plus she placed in a bunch of those as well. She ended up 1st in the category of Gaming, With a twist. 3rd in the category of It's an Art. 1st in Captivating Captions and Advanced Acronyms. A tied 3rd for The pen is mightier category. All of this led to her taking a very impressive 3rd overall score in the IGs. For her amazing work and participation in the IGs I award her this Steel Cross. Thanks for being so active Mayda! Xen'Mordin Vismorsus Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2013-05-20 19:36:28 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Adept Xantros
Primary reason

For participation in 10 events of the HSP Summer Games, organisation of 1 event and placing 6 times, I recommend this Steel Cross for Mayda. Mayda is one of only two members of HSP, who participated in all Summer Games events, but the one, which she organized. This Steel Cross is a token of our appreciation for such enormous efforts to be active. Congratulations and thanks!

Adept Xantros, 2013-07-16 00:35:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Mayda Ferium has been one of the most valuable members of House Karness Muur and Clan Plagueis from the moment she first arrived. Joining Plagueis the day our recent House vs House feud Restoration: Ascendant started, she made her presence felt in both the form of entries and leadership. Over the duration of the feud, she served almost as a third member of the Karness Muur house summit, helping more than any other single member to motivate activity from her housemates through constant contact and emails. Her two way performance was the single largest contribution to the event made by any member of House Karness Muur.

As a competitor during Restoration: Ascendant Mayda entered all eleven events possible, including serving as one of the leaders of the House Karness Muur battleplan entry. In Round 1 she earned second place in puzzle and third in fiction and in Round 2 she captured first place in puzzle and second place finishes in both fiction and battleplan. Her total performance earned her an astounding 149 total points and a second place finish a full ten points ahead of the next placement. From start to finish, Mayda brought an amazing level of activity and skill to the Restoration: Ascendant event and ended up tied for fourth most top three placements across all three phases of Restoration (even though she was only around for one of those phases).

Her activity overall since her promotion in June has been outstanding. Mayda has participated in twenty-five competitions while personally organizing eleven more (most of which being the multi-event Judecca World themed competition for the entire Brotherhood). She has placed in eight competitions to earn eight competition crescents: two ruby, three amethyst, and 3 sapphire. She also earned eight clusters of fire (playing twenty-four pazaak matches for her house during Restoration: Ascendant) and two clusters of ice. In addition, she served as Rollmaster in Scholae Palatinae for nearly a month as she finished up her tenure there.

Mayda is an absolute bastion of activity, and I have no doubt that either House Karness Muur nor Clan Plagueis would be doing as well as they are currently without her contributions. Her continued presence, leadership activity, zealous nature to succeed, and remarkable overall activity level show her to be very deserving of this award.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2015-09-22 15:28:57 UTC