Character Snapshot (Korroth)

Character Snapshot for Peacekeeper Korroth (2016/04/19, Mystic Kelly Mendes vs. Peacekeeper Korroth)

Peacekeeper Korroth

Equite 1, Equite tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Male Pau'an, Jedi, Arcanist, Consular
Height: 1.96 m / 6'5" - Weight: 78.0 kg / 172 lbs
Age: 36 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Korroth is a tall, rather spindly Pau'an, with the characteristic grey furrowed skin, hairless head, black eyes and sharp teeth of his species. His long, gaunt face, thin lips and prominent aquiline nose give him a weatherworn appearance, but his eyes seldom have any hardness to them. He has large hands with knobbly knuckles and somewhat clawed nails. His voice is soft and gravelly.

He normally wears a shin-length earth-toned kaftan with a high collar, a wide green sash binding his waist and sturdy leather boots. His ears are always covered by protective metal ear-disks.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)
  • Lightsaber

Personal Image

ACC Korroth

Resourceful Researcher (General Aspect)

Korroth's life is filled with training and learning for all sorts of situations, from the mind-numbingly normal to the utterly bizarre. As such, Korroth has developed into a rather resourceful individual. This has made Korroth a mix of academic and scholar, always with something to offer to any discussion. However, knowledge and training does not always translate well to the tense environment of the battlefield, and no amount of textbooks can prepare one for reality...

In His Stride (General Aspect)

In his attitude, Korroth values serenity above all things. His composed demeanour reflects an inner peace that comes of eschewing desire and attachment. When Korroth acts, he does so either to test himself or to carry through the Will of the Force. However, this is not a fixed state of mind. It is rather a constant inner conflict between peace in the Force and the temptation of passion. If this state of ataraxy is broken, Korroth will suffer from his inability to deal with intense emotions.

I Am Not A Committee! (Personality Aspect)

Korroth likes to engage in detailed discussions and think through situations carefully, often collaborating with others to seek their opinions before deciding on the best course of action. While this often ensures Korroth is more fair and well-respected amongst his peers, sometimes others do not have time to discuss this in a committee.

What A Pleasant Fellow (Personality Aspect)

Korroth tries to be pleasant to everyone he meets, or at least polite. He does not begrudge people's actions, and generally he does not respond to insults and threats. This attitude will often lead Korroth to ignore voiced threats as empty boasts, whether this is actually true or not.

You've Done It Now (Combat Aspect)

When Korroth is forced to fight, he is fully committed to prevailing. He will not stop until the threat is crushed, whatever obstacle might stand in the way. However, this interval of single-minded intent means he pays less attention to collateral damage. If he is not careful, these impetuous actions may well lead him to stray too far from the Jedi path.

Duelist (Combat Aspect)

Through careful study and dedication to isolated martial-combat, Korroth has turned the act of dueling into an art form. A keen eye and attention to detail allows him the ability to learn their opponent's idiosyncrasies while fighting. Korroth then uses his own skills to capitalize on the opponent's weakness. Because of this calculated approach to isolated duels, Korroth has a harder time taking on multiple opponents at once at higher skill levels.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Escape Artist Field Triage I Reflexive Counter I Know That Feel, Bro
Granted Feats
Channel II Dowsing II Order Feat: Jedi Pau'an: I Heard That Pau'an: Born To Lead
  • Basic
  • Utapese
  • Harakoan anthropology
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Mandalorian Core
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form VII (Vaapad)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None