Krandon has only recently returned to us from the Rogues and has hit the ground running. Within days he was submitting to competitions, being a presence on Discord and generally being as amazing as we remember him being. We are happy to have him back with us and now we'll get down to the numbers.
Krandon has always been a flurry of activity, gaining crescents in a few colors, three amethyst and a Sapphire, five clusters of ice, ranking up in both fiction and graphics societies, gained four - FOUR - SA degrees and completing 17 courses to get there. This is a member who shows they have the drive to do what is available, a member with the desire to improve and, more importantly, a member who is willing to be an example. Krandon is someone that I am always pleased to have around because of their friendly nature, someone I'm honored to know as a member of my clan and happy to be around for no other reason than he is simply happy to be here just like the rest of us.
Congrats, Krandon. You've earned this fancy stabby. Well earned and well deserved.
-Mihoshi aka Jack
Proconsul Mihoshi Keibatsu, 2024-10-03 15:44:30 UTC