I was looking over the recent events page today, and I saw the promotion of a Jedi Hunter named Zednich Wolfram. I hadn't heard of this guy before, so I looked into his dossier, only to find that he's been in the DB for less than a month, and his current master is SBL Valhavoc, none other than our active, and reigning Fist.
Too little in the Dark Brotherhood surprises me these days, and seeing a member of the Dark Council who takes their time, above and beyond their considerable duties, to also focus on the development of the rank and file membership was truly surprising, and inspiring to me.
Zednich isn't even a member of Taldryan. But from long experience, I recognize that Dark Councillors don't often get enough recognition for their good work, and for this? Even if it's just a Dark Cross, I wanted to show my appreciation to Valhavoc.
Thank you Val, for being awesome.
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2013-12-30 16:02:55 UTC