Ruby Scepter events for Vynn Salm

Ruby Scepter events
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Primary reason

Holy smokes. Korvis. Where to start? Since his promotion only six months ago, this guy (who needs a last name, damn it) has been a force to be reckoned with. He has single handedly re-written and brought up to par two major Regent policies (the Item Aspect Approval Guidelines and Item Prototype Approval Policy) that were woefully out of date with little to no guidance using the knowledge he's acquired in the relatively short span he's been on the staff. Both were on point and exactly what I was looking for. He conducted peer and quality control reviews on our last booster release (over 20 total items when including the clan stuff). He's been an instrumental part of our Capital Ship Upgrades project sitting in Bubba and Evant's inbox (over 100 new items), conducting a peer and quality control review in addition to assisting on what is arguably the most important part of this project given we needed the perfect balance - item pricing.

Korvis also undertook two major reviews by himself, researching canon lightsaber resistant materials and providing an assessment on each for inclusion into our system - and then scouring several stores looking for current and possible lightsaber resistant items to which we could make that instrumental change to, then providing recommendations for each and taking part in our staff discussions on the subject. His research was extremely thorough, valuable, and best of all objective. He's contributed to our newest booster release, which is 95% completed and almost ready for the Overlords.

Korvis, in his full review for additional Book of Boba Fett and The Mandalorian content - in which he's proposed over a dozen new items for addition that he's working on - has rewatched those series four times, taking notes with a notepad. That is some ridiculous dedication, even for me. In my last recommendation for him I stated his Equite 4 promotion wouldn't stop his roll, and I was right. The man continues to impress at every level, and I have no doubt in my mind that with the included recommendations below, Korvis has more than earned this reward. We couldn't ask for a better member.

P.S. pick a last name, Korvis.

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2023-01-07 01:53:42 UTC
Additional reasons

Since his promotion in August, Korvis has kept his foot on the gas pedal. He has organized or co-organized over 30competitions, participated in 31, and written roughly 4,000 words of fiction. During that time, Vizsla's membership has grown and its activity as measured by competition participation has been very strong compared to the rest of the club. He has also done a great job picking and motivating his summit and rewarding his members. Keep up the great work, Korvis!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-01-05 14:24:31 UTC

Korvis has been an incredible leader of Clan Vizsla, keeping the community involved and updated and helping provide opportunities for fun. The DJB is lucky to have leaders like him willing to devote so much of their time creating these opportunities and just engaging with everyone. Congratulations on your award and thanks for everything you do as a Consul.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2023-01-07 00:34:19 UTC
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Non-site XP
14777 XP
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Korvis has maintained Vizsla at a steady level of participation throughout his time as Consul. For the last 10 months, Viz has enjoyed a strong roughly 60% participation rate and had one of the most consistent participation rates in GJW XVI across all three Phases. Korvis has organized 54 comps and participated in 149, winning dozens of crescents and over 500 CEs. He also participated in 12 RPs and ran 3 as DM.

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-10-21 01:57:47 UTC
Additional reasons

Korvis is and will without a doubt continue to be an active member of the Regent Staff. There's lots of things I could say about him, but one thing is abundantly clear throughout anything I can come up with: he gets the job done. He listens to criticisms, contributes his full Regenty attention to discussions and isn't afraid to offer differing opinion, and all around is just a great person to have on the team - always reliable, always willing to put his best foot forward to get the task at hand finished.

In the time since his last reward he's continued to serve and contributed in several areas, including the ever-looming Masterwork Possessions/crafting system, probably our biggest yet, and like other members of my staff has been instrumental in perfecting the trophy/special crafting material cost amounts and thresholds - while contributing to the meat of the project, craftable items and their associated crafting materials. He was the first to start adding Ahsoka items to a sheet, showing his willingness to jump ahead of the game and go the extra mile to get as much mainstream Star Wars media content in the system to further my main mantra as Regent, "Give the members the opportunity to buy the stuff they want, and play the characters they want". For our 6th Booster Release this spring before we truly zeroed in on the crafting system, he added/completed several items himself, completed our pre-implementation quality control check on each item, and then participated further in the process by adding 17 of those to the system, his first real stab at it! Korvis is also one of my main dudes that handle the aspect queue, handling most of the custom aspects that come into our office. Though those have dwindled since the last of the item types switched over to primarily upgrade-based aspects, he's continued taking point on them and keeping them below our standard max turn-around time.

Congratulations, Korvis!

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2023-10-20 15:03:14 UTC
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Non-site XP
18786 XP
Requested by
General Zxyl Bes'uliik
Primary reason

Other people will discuss Korvis’ (Vynn Salm’s) leadership and its impact on the club, but I’ll just say this: even though the man has retired, he continues to display those same qualities. Korvis has served as a Magistrate in my office for nearly two years now. During that time he has helped run two Life Day Celebration Series competitions with the rest of the staff (one since his most recent recognition as a member of my staff), always trying to provide an interesting and fun experience - even as he was gearing down to retire from Consul. He’s remained committed and consistent throughout his tenure with the Regent Staff, throwing his hands into any work that comes his way and bringing his own ideas to the table and putting in the work for it to see completion.

Our main priority since his last recognition has been the Crafting System. Countless hours of discussion pre-launch and post-launch, Korvis was part of the team effort to see our test of the system through, contributing on discussions for both lightsabers and corvettes to determine how they would work in their respective corners, while participating personally in the development of Corvettes by providing ideas for fifteen crafting materials (writing descriptions for four of them), doing a substantial quality control check with Teebu on all lightsabers and corvette crafting materials (forty-five separate pages) correcting a couple errors, before going through the process of stocking all of the lightsaber crafting materials, corvette crafting materials, and member corvette upgrades to the stores. On paper, it doesn’t sound like a lot of work, but in reality this is all stuff that we do manually using a bunch of spreadsheets and the website, and we’ll work through maybe five to ten different ideas before we settle on a path that might be altered.

In addition to his work on the crafting system, Korvis has been leading the charge on bringing a long-requested type of land vehicle to possessions, completing the entire development for seventeen different pod-racer prototypes that are just awaiting final pricing and review. Korvis recognized the members’ desires and without prompting put in that work himself to research and develop this impending release like he usually does. The man will rewatch seasons of SW media with a pen and paper to record what he can and bring that to the members, and his dedication to improving this club as a whole and leading from the front lines is consistently displayed even through his work as a Magistrate.

For his leadership as a member, countless hours of work as a Magistrate, and consistent devotion to the Brotherhood, I am happy to recommend Vynn Salm for a Ruby Scepter.


General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2024-04-16 18:32:24 UTC
Additional reasons

Will the real Slim Korvis please stand up?

Korvis was Consul for another three months during this award period that came on the heels of EL1 and I can say with certainty that if anything, his award and promotion lit a fire under him because he did not rest on his laurels. I had a lot of onboarding needed as his Pcon due to the fact that I was coming from a different clan. He worked with me on a regular basis for sometimes hours at a time to get me up to speed on just about everything possible: fictional direction, clan structure, the massive amount of documents, wikis, lore, and all the permissions stuff that we don't often think about as work.

Korvis had most of the Great Hunt clan event already planned well ahead of time, which was kind of mind-blowing to me, so it was ready to rock with full fiction and everything on the day it was due to launch. I was assisting him in running it but had a family emergency and instantly he was there to cover for me, no questions asked. The clan event went flawlessly with 11 competitions and 14 participants, which was just under half of the clan, with some the retirees and founders coming out of the woodwork to participate.

Korvis also retired from Consul during this period but that didn’t stop him from still running even more competitions and participating in our clan comps. Even in retirement he has been highly active in both warchat and public, helping to keep discussions and activity going when most of us are in slumberland. He has also been serving as great support for me as I settled into his chair - not boots, because he was a giant 14ft Rattataki whose boots I could never fill. Despite no longer having giant mouse ears, he always has one ready and advice when needed. Not all of us get to have our predecessor nearby so I am grateful and it has been a tremendous comfort and boon.

<Obligatory stats>

For the major bling-bling, Slim Korvis has earned the clan 442990 credits because he organized 46 competitions, coorganized 2, participated in 86, 9 gaming, 15 fiction, 2 courses, 4 news posts with 44! comments. Earned 1 Diamond star, 4 ruby, 4 amethyst, 10 sapphire, 5 emerald, 3 topaz, 1 quartz, 6 cluster of fire, 13 ice, 43 earth, 15 graphite, and 21 seals of transcendence for his war participation. Korvis obtained the special scroll of Foundation and of the Master for his student Legion reaching the rank of JM4.

</Obligatory stats>

Thank you for all of your community and clan efforts and ultimately, just being you.


General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2024-04-10 02:35:07 UTC

Last summer, Korvis told me that he planned to step down from VizCON following the GJW. However when the time came he opted to stay on a few more months to avoid a leadership vacuum at the top of the clan after his former PCON left to take over COU. During his final months, Korvis could have rested on his laurels, but he didn't: he organized a steady course of competitions for Vizsla, most notably Great Hunt VII. Most importantly, he used that time to help prepare his summit for a leadership transition, taking on Socks as PCON and Ikarri as M:CON.

Korvis, you've done a lot for this club and for Vizsla in particular. Congrats!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2024-04-12 12:51:25 UTC

As a serious reason to this inquiry, Korvis (He will only ever have the one name) has been a great addition to the Chamber of Justice. Within days of accepting the role he was effectively managing the 'bread-and-butter' activity of the Chamber - reaching out to suspected clones and helping to guide these members to identify themselves or have their dossiers made accessible.

He is a natural investigator and his attention to detail was critical in his first case - also within weeks of joining the Chamber. He takes his role seriously and ensured to triple check all his findings while finding a balance of finding justice without being overly punitive in his approach.

I'm extremely grateful that he's joined my staff and look forward to continuing to work with him (hopefully on mundane things) for the remainder of the year.

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2024-04-12 17:51:19 UTC