Sapphire Blade events for Hand of the Emperor Korvyn

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Since returning from the rogues a little over a year ago, Korvis has remained strongly active in his activities as a member. He has participated in 119 competitions, and two different vendettas as a member of Clan Vizsla. He has earned 7 different degrees from the Shadow Academy and been active in graphics, fiction and gaming. All this great activity has earned him a Sapphire Blade. Congratulations Korvis.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2021-08-13 21:51:10 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
532 XP
Requested by
Empress Rayne Palpatine
Primary reason

Korvis has been a wonderful PCON for the past couple months and I wish to award him with a Sapphire Blade for his efforts thus far. Since joining CSP, he has consistently demonstrated exemplary performance, dedication, and a strong leader. He's diligent, easy to talk to and hard-working. He is instrumental in making sure the Clan runs smoothly, ensuring the day-to-day things are covered and taken care of, helping our QUAs, getting projects together and much more. It's been such a pleasure to have him on the summit, all the while he shares his expertise across 2 other positions in the DB. I am forever grateful he decided to come help our Clan in it's time of need (and I won't let you forget it, Korvis!)

Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do for the Clan and the Brotherhood, Korvis. Congrats!

Empress Rayne Palpatine, 2025-01-17 17:43:24 UTC
Additional reasons

In the relatively short time that he has been with us at CSP, Korvis has been an inspiration and an absolutely incredible PCON. He has quickly become a pillar of CSP; offering his insight, wisdom, sense of humor, and most importantly, friendship to the whole of the Clan. I have learned a lot from his natural leadership abilities.

CSP can be chaotic at time, but he has navigated through the craziness with grace. He has really brought a lot to the table that the average Clan member doesn't see. Behind the scenes, he is as cool as a cucumber, and always seems to have a plan for the next thing we should tackle. He has been instrumental in improving our wiki pages and creating the type of competitions that pull members in and bring out their competitive nature.

Frankly, having Korvis around has not only made CSP a more fun and engaging place, but it has made me a better Quaestor. Thank you, Korvis, for always leading by example and never resting on your laurels. We appreciate you and everything you do.

Warlord Vincent Brujah, 2025-01-16 21:57:51 UTC