Steel Cross events for Andryan "Ace" Queldom

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Primary reason

Although Ace is a relatively new addition to House Archanis, he proved his worth during GJW7. He entered a full ten events including the Run-on, the JA and JO ladder, six fiction events, a poetry and a graphics. This Steel Cross is given to Ace on behalf of the Taldryan summit as recognition for his efforts for the clan in GJW7. <br> <br> Battlelord Andan Taldrya Marshall, Quaestor of House Archanis and Son of Taldryan<br> <br> Congrats on your well earned reward in service to Taldryan during the Seventh Great Jedi War. Thanks for the awesome work!<br> <br> For Taldryan,<br> <br> Obelisk Primarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso<br> Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan<br> Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System

Duga Taldrya Arkarso, 2007-09-01 22:00:00 UTC